Chapter 57: Emptiness

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Reese's POV

"Quick, we need to leave!" Tyler's urgent voice pierced through my thoughts, jolting me back to the harsh reality of the situation. The journey here had felt like a whirlwind, leaving me unprepared for the overwhelming number of people congregating outside the building. The sight of countless ambulances and police cars parked outside only added to the chaos. I had never realized just how many police officers Atlanta had until tonight when they seemed to be present at every corner. Their presence was a desperate attempt to control the curious onlookers, scattered throughout the scene. Amidst the crowd, I caught a glimpse of a familiar face near the entrance.

There stood my mom, amidst the bustling crowd. I couldn't fathom how she had managed to find her way here, but a part of me was undeniably relieved that she had. However, deep down, I knew that her presence would subject her to humiliation and pain because of her husband. I longed to shield her from the gruesome catastrophe unfolding before us.

"Reese!" their voices echoed through the air, piercing my ears as I sprinted towards the building's entrance. Panic surged through my veins as I caught sight of two paramedics rolling a stretcher outside. My heart pounded against my chest, threatening to burst out. Time seemed to stretch, each second elongating into an eternity, as I inched closer to the scene. And then, in an instant, my heart ceased its rhythmic dance. I forced myself to look down at the figure lying motionless on the stretcher before me.

A whirlwind of emotions engulfed me, leaving me bewildered and lost. Was it relief flooding my being, or was it the weight of sorrow crushing my soul? The line between the two blurred, leaving me unable to distinguish one from the other. It was as if my emotions had embarked on an unannounced vacation, leaving me stranded in a sea of uncertainty.

Margaret's battered face stood in stark contrast to Ingrid's. The injuries inflicted upon Margaret seemed to be the work of someone who derived pleasure from causing her pain. The brutality she endured was horrifying, devoid of any hint of remorse. The marks of strangulation around her exposed neck revealed a personal hatred, as if inflicted by a malevolent creature. Suddenly, a deafening scream erupted from behind me, piercing through my body and freezing me in place. The chilling sound sent waves of anguish through my heart, as I realized it was my distraught mother's cry. I knew then that she couldn't bear to hear any more devastating news, especially about Ingrid.

Though I longed to console her, I couldn't muster the courage to turn around and face her. The fear of crumbling under the weight of our shared emotions, reflected in her eyes, overwhelmed me. I had to remain strong for Avery and our precious baby.

Reluctantly parting ways with my distraught mother, I entrusted Tyler with her care and propelled myself through the sea of people obstructing the building's entrance. Defiantly, I challenged anyone, even the authorities, to impede my progress, my unwavering composure shielding me from their interference. Disregarding the elevator, I sprinted up three flights of stairs.

As I wearily crossed the threshold of the apartment door, it felt as though someone had ruthlessly ripped my wounded heart from my chest. The ghastly sight that greeted me resembled a scene straight out of a horror film. Blood and gore adorned every visible surface, a macabre tableau that sent shivers down my spine. The flickering candles scattered throughout the room created an eerie ambiance as if a power outage had plunged us into darkness.

A wave of numbness washed over me as I surveyed the scene before me. The once pristine floor now lay in ruins, covered in a grimy layer of blood and debris. It was a sight that made my stomach churn and my insides feel hollow. But as I approached Avery's bedroom door, a flicker of life began to stir within me.

With trembling hands, I turned the doorknob and stepped into the room. Time seemed to freeze in that moment, as if the world held its breath. My heart pounded in my chest, its rhythm becoming a thunderous roar that echoed in my ears. Each beat sent a jolt of excruciating pain coursing through my veins. And then, I saw it.

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