Chapter 32: Hurt

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Unknown POV

The course of events had veered drastically off the path I had meticulously laid out. The depths of despair I found myself in were unfathomable, as I witnessed the frantic efforts of the medical team to salvage Avery's fragile existence. My world crumbled into ruins, all because of Reese.

Sofia's role was intended to instill fear in Avery, prompting a miscarriage. I explicitly instructed her to refrain from any physical harm! Yet, this foolish and contemptible woman had her own twisted agenda. The injury inflicted upon Avery was, in part, my own wretched doing, for I had sought Sofia's assistance. This painful lesson has taught me to never collaborate with an inexperienced soul again.

Sofia shall soon realize the grave mistake she made when she crossed paths with me. Normally, I prefer to keep my hands clean, relying on others to do my bidding. But this time, it's different. She defied my explicit orders, endangering the life of my beloved. Such a transgression is unforgivable, and I cannot let it go unpunished. The anticipation of witnessing the extinguishing of her very existence fills me with a sinister satisfaction. The scent of my blood lingers in the air as I envision snuffing out her wretched life.

Taking a life, especially that of an innocent unborn child, belonging to Reese, poses no qualms for me. I cannot afford to take any risks, ensuring that Reese never discovers his paternity over Avery's baby. Some may perceive me as heartless, but I have reached my current position by disregarding the opinions of others. In this ruthless world, I am a formidable force. I obtain what I desire, regardless of the sacrifices required.

I cannot tolerate his continuous interference, disrupting the delicate balance between Avery and myself, solely because fate had him be the father instead of me. How could this imbecile be so utterly oblivious to the fact that the woman he engaged in a purely physical encounter with—let's call it what it is, no romantic illusions—cannot be considered an act of love unless there are genuine emotions involved? I digress, my thoughts becoming entangled and my frustration reaching unbearable levels as I dwell on this matter. How is it possible that he has not yet realized that the woman he so desperately strives to shield is the very same individual who occupied his bed a mere week ago? Admittedly, both parties concealed their identities behind masks during that encounter. However, I am certain that his own body has sent him enough warning signals to ignite a blazing inferno whenever they are in each other's presence.

In recent times, he has managed to infiltrate her life effortlessly, becoming an integral part of it. Meanwhile, despite my relentless efforts, I have failed to make any significant progress towards my intended destination with her. This frustration is slowly eroding my self-control. There are moments when I feel entitled to take whatever I desire from her, convinced that she rightfully belongs to me. The world may be oblivious to this fact for now, but soon they will come to understand.

Observe him, standing by her side like an infatuated puppy. Even her relatives, her aunt and uncle, have welcomed him with open arms, without questioning the nature of their relationship.

I never imagined he could lie so convincingly, without even a flicker of hesitation. It seems the saying holds true, that one can never truly know another person completely. The sight of them huddled together around my future wife, resembling a united family, fills me with disgust.

I remained close to Avery's room, yearning for a moment alone with her. All I required was a brief window of five to ten minutes to attend to my affairs. However, the likelihood of such an opportunity seemed utterly impossible, as they all lingered around her like a swarm of vultures, unwilling to grant me even a moment of privacy.

My face ignited with a blazing smile as Chase approached Avery's room. Finally, I wouldn't be the sole bearer of frustration today, I mused, imagining Reese's face transforming into a crimson hue, with steam billowing from his ears if such a thing were possible. I was well aware that Reese would be far from pleased with Chase's visit, and if he dared to come within proximity of Avery, Reese would undoubtedly unleash his wrath upon him. It bewildered me how someone as feeble as Chase could evoke such a sense of threat in Reese.

Lately, I've noticed a peculiar change in Reese's behavior whenever someone gets too close to Avery. It's a side of him I've never witnessed before. Even with Hye-jin, whom he was once inseparable from, he never displayed this level of possessiveness. It's quite astonishing, considering how deeply he was entangled in her life. They were practically joined at the hip, the epitome of closeness. It's as if Reese's attachment to Avery has surpassed even that, leaving me perplexed and intrigued by this newfound intensity.

A wave of suffocating emptiness engulfed me as I watched the scene unfold before my eyes as if I were trapped in some twisted cinematic production. Chase cautiously cracked open the door to Avery's room, only to reveal Reese tenderly planting a gentle kiss on Avery's forehead. Anger surged through my veins with an intensity that threatened to consume me entirely. It took every ounce of self-control to restrain myself from storming into the room and putting an abrupt end to both of their despicable existence.

I knew right then and there that I had to do whatever needed to be done to make her mine before he took her away from me entirely. I would rather us both lose her than allow him to have her at all. No matter what it took, I was going to brand her as mine.

"Reese, you have a choice to make. Either you willingly let her go, or it's Game Over for both of us." With a voice trembling with fury, I directed my threat into the silent void, my words echoing through the air. From a distance, I watched helplessly as my future was mercilessly stolen before my very eyes by an insufferable imposter who couldn't even compare to half the person I am. He forcefully inserted himself into the role that destiny had reserved for me. Avery represented my last chance at experiencing genuine love, and this bastard had brazenly snatched it away just as I was preparing to make my move toward a happily ever after.

"Make no mistake, Avery, it's either me or a pitiful imitation of me that you'll love for eternity," I sneered, my voice dripping with disdain. Filled with a seething rage, I stormed down the hallway, my mind consumed with thoughts of setting this wretched place ablaze.

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