Chapter 45: Mayhem

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Greetings, everyone! I return with another exciting update. I sincerely hope that you all find enjoyment in my latest installment. Your feedback, votes, and comments are greatly appreciated as they provide valuable insight into your thoughts on my work. Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to every one of you for taking the time to read my story. Until we meet again, stay safe, and may you be blessed.

Warm regards,


Reese's POV

As I prepared to step through my office door, I silently pleaded for inner calm and unwavering patience to confront the impending situation. Why, on this particular day, did my father opt to execute such a senseless act? I find myself repeatedly questioning, unable to fathom his thought process, despite my relentless efforts to uncover a logical explanation. The deeper I delve into deciphering my father's motives, the more bewildering the entire scenario becomes, and at times, this immense frustration consumes me.

I've forever held the belief that my old man was completely out of his mind, but never in a million lifetimes would I have anticipated just how recklessly he would act. How on earth could he go ahead and hire someone without even bothering to consult with me first? That was the first question that popped into my head. And then, the second one hit me like a ton of bricks: how the hell did he even know Sofia?

This infuriating man always seemed determined to push me to the brink of insanity. It felt like he was constantly launching an all-out assault on my mental well-being. The most frustrating part was that, no matter how hard I fought back, it seemed like he was always coming out on top. I found myself pinching the bridge of my nose and massaging my throbbing temple, desperately trying to alleviate the pounding headache that was creeping up on me.

The more I attempted to soothe my racing emotions, the more my anger surged within me. Thoughts of the new predicament my father had caused between Avery and me only fueled the flames. It was clear to me that he had orchestrated this intentionally, but I couldn't fathom how he had discovered Sofia's presence. Avery would undoubtedly be furious with me once she learned that Sofia was in town and working at our company.

Moving towards the expansive double-pane windows, I positioned myself and gazed out at the somber sky. The atmosphere mirrored the turmoil brewing within me, akin to a merciless tornado poised to decimate everything in its path. Standing there, I replayed the day's events incessantly, desperately trying to comprehend how my initial happiness had swiftly transformed into torment and chaos.

The abrupt swing of my office door shattered the labyrinth of my thoughts, abruptly ending my arduous contemplation. The familiar scent of Invictus Intense cologne permeated the air, instantly revealing the identity of the intruder without the need for me to turn around. It had always been my father's cherished signature fragrance, a scent that had accompanied me since my earliest memories.

My anger, raw and untamed, surged through me as I pivoted to face him. However, what I encountered was an unexpected and unwelcome sight. Hye-jin and Sofia stood on either side of him, like his personal attendants, their trembling forms betraying their fear as my icy, unwavering gaze bore down upon them. Redirecting my attention, I locked eyes with my father, prepared to unleash the torrent of fury that had been brewing within me for the past few months.

"Why have Hye-jin and Sofia been brought here?" I inquired, striving to maintain a semblance of composure in my voice.

"I don't believe I owe you an explanation, considering this is still my company. However, to address your question, I decided to hire Sofia as your new secretary because your previous one abruptly abandoned you without any warning."

"If I had deemed it necessary to fill Avery's position temporarily, I would have taken care of it myself. I don't appreciate you taking matters into your own hands and making decisions on my behalf!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with frustration.

"You seem to forget that this company belongs to me, Reese," he sneered, clenching his fist tightly.

"If that's how you truly feel, then why did you even bring me on board, father?"

"I did it because your mother incessantly nagged me to pass the torch to you."

"Well, perhaps I should hand the reins back to you, since it's clear you never wanted to step down in the first place."

"No, you've got it," he replied a little too hastily. "I only ask that you keep Sofia on board until your absent secretary decides whether she still wants her job."

"Absolutely not! I refuse to accept a new secretary. Avery Johnson is already fulfilling that role perfectly, and she's here to stay indefinitely, unless she decides to leave on her own terms. I've never seen my father act so recklessly, wanting to hire someone we know absolutely nothing about. Sure, he's done some outrageous things in the past, but this is a whole new level of absurdity when it comes to our business.

"Sofia has to go, or I'm walking away," I declared firmly, leaving no room for negotiation, and began making my way towards the exit.

"Is this woman's pussy really worth tarnishing our family's reputation and jeopardizing the company over?" my father questioned, clearly taken aback by my strong stance.

Turning to face him, a confident smile spread across my face as I responded, "Yes it is. It's mind-blowing. The best I've ever experienced. I'm sure you understand that feeling, don't you?" With a sense of triumph, I walked out of the room, leaving my father with a defeated expression.

"Reese..." I heard both Hye-jin and Sofia call out simultaneously, their disdain made the moment even more enjoyable. I carried on, striding out of the office, unable to contain my laughter. But my amusement was abruptly interrupted when a force yanked my right arm backward.

"What the heck? Release your grimy hands from me," I growled, wrenching my arm free from Hye-jin's grasp. "How many times do I have to remind you not to touch what isn't yours? Should I wear a sign that says 'Hands Off' whenever I'm around you?"

"In a month, you'll be mine!" she arrogantly retorted.

Hye-jin's tone and unwavering confidence hinted at a secret she held, something I was oblivious to. It unsettled me to see her smugly observing me, a smirk etched on her face. "What can you possibly achieve in a month that you haven't accomplished in all the years we were together?" I blurt then waited for her response. when she didn't say anything I answered for her. "The only possible way you'll ever see me willingly in your presence is if you magically transform into Avery. Good luck with that, because I highly doubt you possess a mystical wand hidden up your ass to make that happen." I continued to stride down the hallway towards the elevator.

"Our wedding is just a month away, Reese!" Hye-jin shouts after me.

"For goodness sake, woman! You're like an annoying little gnat who refuses to leave me alone, no matter how many times I try to swat you away. How many times must I reiterate to you and my father that I will 'NEVER EVER' marry you?" I seethe, advancing towards her in a blaze of fury. "I've already found my Future Wife."

"Reese, is this the appropriate behavior for the President of Choi Enterprise to display in the workplace?" questioned the concerned individual.

"Father, it's quite interesting how you suddenly prioritize the company once I confront these heifers. Please remember that you are the one who initiated all these complications," I calmly stated, gesturing towards Hye-jin and Sofia. I stepped onto the elevator, leaving the situation behind ready to see Avery's lovely face.

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