Chapter 7: Confused and Used

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Reese's POV

As I stretched my arm across the vast expanse of the bed, my anticipation grew to find the woman who had ignited my world the previous night. However, my eyes abruptly shot open as my searching finger encountered only the chill of the bedsheets and an empty void. Sitting upright, I scanned the room desperately, hoping to catch any trace of her presence. Yet, there was nothing to be found except for the faint lingering aroma of her captivating perfume.

Perched uneasily on the edge of the bed, I pondered whether the mind-boggling escapade I had experienced was merely a figment of my imagination. The searing ache in every muscle of my body vehemently denied that possibility. As this realization slowly sank in, a sense of being used to satiate someone's fleeting desires washed over me. I acknowledged the hypocrisy of my emotions, considering the countless times I had done the same to other women, but damn it, I couldn't help but feel enraged.

The sensation of being utterly rocked by a woman, only to have her willingly depart, was an entirely new experience for me. I couldn't deny the overwhelming emptiness that engulfed me as I woke up alone in bed after an unforgettable night of passion. "How could she do this to me? Who does she think she is?" I found myself shouting, simultaneously interrupted by the persistent ringing of my phone for the third time since I had awakened.

Glancing at the screen, I let out a frustrated groan realizing it was my father calling. Taking a deep breath, I pinched the bridge of my nose, attempting to maintain composure as I answered the call. Conversations with my dad, whether in person or over the phone, always posed a challenge for me to keep my anger in check.

"Hello, Dad."

"Where on earth are you?" His voice boomed through the phone, causing me to instinctively move it away from my ear.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked, my voice tinged with curiosity.

His response was sharp and impatient. "Because you're supposed to be at an important meeting at 5 p.m. today, and it's currently 3:30."

I took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "Don't worry, I'll be there on time," I assured him, exhaling slowly.

His tone softened slightly as he spoke again. "You better be. You, out of all people, should understand how crucial this deal is for our company, son."

I couldn't help but be surprised by his next words. "Wow, for the first time in ages, you called me 'son' instead of 'Reese.' This deal must hold significant importance to you."

His frustration resurfaced, and he snapped at me once more. "You always have to ruin any pleasant moment between us, don't you?"

I couldn't hold back my emotions any longer. "It must be nice to live in a fantasy world where you believe you've been a great father to children you've treated poorly for more than half of their lives, Dad. I won't sit here and let you make me feel guilty for something I haven't done, just because you've convinced yourself that you've been a perfect parent."

"Boy, you better watch your language when speaking to me!" he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Your mother has made plans for the four of us to have dinner together at 7:30 tonight," he added before abruptly ending the call.

As the silence settled in, I couldn't help but voice my frustration. "If it weren't for my mom and my older brother, Kyane, being dragged into this uncomfortable dinner, there's no way I would even bother showing up," I blurted out, the words escaping before I could think twice.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, a question lingered in my mind: Why wasn't my dad proud of me? I had graduated at the top of my class from the prestigious college he had chosen for me. I had even generated more revenue for our company than all the years he had been running it. Yet, nothing I did seemed to meet his standards. The constant pursuit of his approval had left me exhausted.

But one day, everything changed. Mom called me home for a heart-to-heart conversation, and she didn't hold back. She told me it was time to stop trying to please my dad and start living for myself. Her words struck a chord deep within me, resonating with a newfound sense of liberation.

From that moment on, I made a conscious decision to live life on my own terms. I embraced my desires, dreams, and aspirations, leading me down the path I am on today. It hasn't always been easy, but I have found fulfillment and happiness in pursuing my passions, rather than constantly seeking validation from someone who may never truly appreciate me.

As I rose to my feet, my gaze was drawn to a glimmering object at the foot of the bed. Intrigued, I carefully picked it up, realizing it was the earring belonging to the mysterious woman from the previous night. A wide grin spread across my face, as this small item now held explicit memories and a personal connection to her.

With a renewed sense of excitement, I made my way to the walk-in closet and retrieved the spare clothes I had brought along for the ball, along with my pristine white Jordans Air Force Ones. As I prepared to change, a wave of frustration washed over me. "How could I have been so foolish not to ask for her real name?" I grumbled to myself, a tinge of regret in my voice. Determined to make the most of the situation, I headed into the bathroom to freshen up with a shower, hoping that perhaps fate would bring us together again.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, freshly shaven and dressed, my phone began to ring. Letting out a heavy sigh, I glanced at the screen and saw that it was Tyler calling, not my dad once again. My dad always had a habit of calling me multiple times, as if one call wasn't enough for both of us.

"I'm on my way down," I quickly spoke into the phone, cutting off any chance for him to say much. I scanned the room, making sure I hadn't forgotten anything before leaving.

As soon as I settled into the passenger seat and closed the door, Tyler wasted no time in bombarding me with questions. "Where the hell did you disappear to last night?" he demanded, his annoyance evident in his tone.

I feigned innocence, even though I knew exactly what he was referring to. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Tyler's frustration grew as he continued, "You and I were supposed to leave the ball together!"

"Sorry about that, bro," I replied. "Something important came up that I had to take care of."

"Let me guess, that 'something' had to do with a certain beautiful young lady you were chasing after last night," Tyler remarked, his eyes fixed on me as he started the engine. I couldn't help but smile, keeping my gaze straight ahead.

"I guess you could say that," I replied, my voice filled with a hint of mystery.

Tyler chuckled, a knowing smile playing on his lips as he pulled out onto the road. "I hope she was worth ditching me for," he teased, the playful tone in his voice indicating that he understood the allure of a captivating encounter.

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