Chapter 43: Amazing

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To all my lovely readers this chapter is a little bit longer than my usual ones and a lot more intense than the rest of them, but I still hope that you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you guys like this chapter, please vote and comment on what you liked about it or what you didn't like about it. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Stay safe and blessed until next time.


Avery's POV

This past month has been pure torture and delight when dealing with my father and Reese and their nagging. They are worse than Emily and Brendan put together, and those two seem to think they are my mother or something.

"Reese, why do you have to call my father for every minor pain that I have?"

"I'm not a scary man, but your father scares the living daylights out of me. The looks that he gives me every time he sees me is enough to intimidate even the bravest man. If your dad looks could kill, I'd probably already be dead by now for knocking up his sweet yet not-so-innocent daughter." I replied while standing there thinking how that conversation was going to go down. "Now which one of us is going to tell him that you and I aren't married and that I'm not your baby daddy," I asked her while shaking my head in disbelief at the mess I'd gotten both of us into.

"I don't know why you're asking me when it was your ingenious idea to tell them that we're married in the first place, Reese. you caused this dreadful mess, and I'm going to leave you to deal with it," I chuckled.

"Wow, sweetheart, I can't believe that you're just going to leave me out here in the cold to fend for myself? I never knew you could be such a cold-hearted woman."

"Well, now you know. maybe next time you will think before you make such a spur-of-the-moment decision hubby."

"Hey, I got a plan. Why don't we get married since we're already staying together and your parents consider me as part of the family."

"Now I know you've been cooped up in this house with no interaction with the outside world for way too damn long," I responded after hearing his suggestion. "You've gone insane."

"I may have gone crazy, but I'd rather be crazy and alive than sane and dead any day, Avery!"

"I can't believe I'm hearing those words coming out of your mouth right now. Are you pranking me? Where's the hidden camera?" I asked, looking around the room.

"Who said I was playing games around here?" he asked in a serious voice. "I want to live to see my upcoming birthday. I don't know about you, but I love me some me."

"Will you stop being such a drama king? My dad wouldn't injure anyone unless he's provoked to do so."

And you don't believe us lying about being married, you carrying my child and staying in the same house with a single man is reason enough to provoke your dad?" he asked me with his right eyebrow raised.

"I believe that he will be understanding, Reese."

"You're lying, and the truth ain't in you. Let my daughter tell me something like that she would never step a foot outside of the house for years and the guy she's shacking up with parents will be lucky to see him alive and well again when I'm done with him."

"I see you have finally crossed over to the looney bend. I'm going to go and talk to Mathew and August while you stay over here and handle your little problem." Say while shaking my head at his last statement.

"If you dare go over there talking to August and Mathew, I promise you more than me is going to have problems in this house, Avery."

"Remind me again Why can't I talk to them?" I asked my hands proper on my hips. "Are you jealous that I'm spending time with them?"

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