Chapter 49: Dynamic

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Reeses's POV

Gently slipping out of bed, I made my way to the opulent bathroom, ready to create a special moment for Avery. With care, I started running a steaming bubble bath, adding her beloved honeysuckle body wash to fill the tub with its delightful fragrance.

"Good morning, my love," I whispered tenderly, returning to the room and kneeling beside her.

"Do I really have to wake up?" she groaned, pulling the covers higher over her head.

"You don't have to, but if you don't, you're going to miss the wonderful surprise I've prepared for us today. We can stay cocooned in this bed all day if that's what you desire." Leaning closer, I playfully nibbled on one of her nipples when she snatched the cover from over her head, revealing her beautiful, full breast to me.

"Darling, if you continue this enticing game, neither of us will be leaving this room anytime soon," she murmured, her words blending with the seductive moan escaping her lips.

Reluctantly, I withdrew my eager lips from their addictive indulgence and rose to my feet, gently squeezing the tender mounds before stepping away from the bed. As I leisurely made my way towards the expansive walk-in closet, I called out over my shoulder, "I've already started preparing a soothing bubble bath for you."

"Are you absolutely certain you won't join me? I assure you, it will be worth your while," she playfully teased, slipping her hand into my underwear and sensually caressing my already aroused manhood with deliberate slowness.

"Please, woman, cease your tempting ways," I moaned aloud. It required every ounce of self-restraint to resist her enticing pleas. The more I resisted, the more fervently she stroked my throbbing member. The warmth and tenderness of Avery's touch caused me to stumble backward, allowing her to press my back against the closet door. With a swift motion, she then knelt before me and lowered my underwear down to my thighs.

"Look at me," she demanded, mirroring the command I had given her earlier.

My attentive gaze remained locked on her as she delicately began to lick the glistening tip of my manhood. The pleasurable warmth of her tongue on the head of my penis caused my knees to weaken. I stood there, completely mesmerized, surrendering to the exhilarating pleasure she skillfully drew out of me with her passionate mouth.

I couldn't tear my eyes away or even think of closing them, for they were fixated on the captivating sight of the beautiful woman kneeling before me, granting me such intense pleasure. I wanted to absorb and cherish every detail of this moment, afraid to miss a single sensation. My mouth watered as I watched her take my engorged head deep into her mouth, then slowly withdraw it to the very tip, swirling her tongue around it. Overwhelmed by desire, I entwined my hand in her thick, luscious curls and began to guide my member into her mouth, feeling my world spin out of control.

My eyes were reluctantly forced shut as I felt my climax approaching with alarming speed. Swiftly removing her mouth from my member, I lifted her in my arms and carried her over to the desk nestled in the far corner of the room. Kneeling before her, I inhaled her intoxicating scent as I spread her legs wide. A soft moan escaped her lips as I plunged my tongue into the depths of her core, seeking to explore every inch of her sweet essence.

I devoured her with an insatiable hunger, as if I were a man who had been deprived of sustenance for years. The weight of my throbbing manhood between my legs intensified, pulsating with each of Avery's sweet screams of ecstasy that reverberated through the air. I could sense she was on the brink of climax as she gripped my head, attempting to still my fervent movements. Avery wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me into an unyielding embrace as I pressed her back against the window, lost in the intoxicating passion of the moment.

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