Chapter 33: Uncontainable Desire

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Reese's POV

If someone had approached me a week ago, suggesting that I would willingly embrace the responsibility of raising Avery's child, as well as another person's, as my own, I would have dismissed them as delusional. It's not because I consider Avery to be inferior in any way, but rather because I highly value her as an integral part of our company. I have always maintained a clear boundary between our professional relationships, never even entertaining the thought of crossing that invisible line. However, recently, my mind has been urging me to disregard work and pursue my deepest desires. Simultaneously, another part of me has been working tirelessly, reminding me that Avery is not a mere plaything that I can manipulate at my convenience. That's why I am determined to resist whatever perplexing emotions and thoughts are consuming me, and maintain control over my actions and intentions.

Admiring her from a distance has always brought me joy, relishing in her beauty whenever our paths cross, all while maintaining a sense of professionalism. Or at least, that's what I've been desperately trying to convince myself. Along the way, I seem to have lost sight of what it truly means to be professional. My thoughts of her have spiraled into an alarming obsession, to the point where I would sacrifice everything I possess just to shield her from any harm.

My dreams are completely consumed by her presence. They occasionally startle me awake in the dead of night, leaving me drenched in sweat. My body yearns for any form of physical connection with her captivating and enticing form. At times, this overwhelming desire becomes so intense that it fills me with fear.

Then there exist these elusive dreams, where an enigmatic malevolent force has snatched her away, plunging my days and nights into a suffocating abyss of despair. This darkness is so petrifying that it ensnares me even in my slumber, rendering me utterly helpless even upon awakening.

After an agonizing wait of three long days, a glimmer of relief finally washes over me. Avery has been granted permission to return home. Although I was reluctant to let her out of my sight, her father reassured me that she would be under constant care. However, consumed by worry since discovering that someone intended to harm her, I still decided to hire a bodyguard for her.

Engaging in that exact conversation with Avery proved to be a disastrous choice for her. The act of impersonating her husband only intensified the tension. My face flushed crimson when Emily, unable to contain herself, exclaimed, "Avery, your spouse is undeniably attractive!" If it were possible, I would have swiftly silenced Emily by sealing her mouth with duct tape.

Avery's gaze was filled with rage. I attempted to pivot and exit the room, but my retreat was not swift enough. I caught Avery's sarcastic remark, dripping with bitterness, as she called out, "Where do you think you're going, my dear husband?"

All eyes were fixated on us, as if we were the captivating stars of their beloved soap opera, not a single person flinching. "Oh, darling, all I wanted was for you to have some quality time alone with your parents. I feel like I've been monopolizing all your time!" I confessed, and it wasn't too far from the truth.

"I'm certain my parents don't mind you taking care of your stunning wife and our child, my love."

I nearly choked on my own breath at her final statement.

"My son, it's too late for you to fret over such trivial matters. Perhaps you should have considered that before impregnating my precious daughter and secretly marrying her! We'll save that discussion for a more opportune moment. Rest assured, it will happen sooner than you anticipate, trust me." I overheard Mr. Johnson say, his eyes gleaming with a vengeful glimmer directed at me.

"My love, please, let the poor child be; he has endured more than enough already. If we didn't know any better, we would think he was the one lying in this bed. Just a few days ago, it seemed as if he was on the brink of losing his own life, appearing as pale as a ghost," Mrs. Johnson pleads, her voice filled with compassion, as she defends me. "But look, he is now so relieved that she is finally awake and talking. He has even regained some of his color. We are fortunate that he is not like most young people these days, who would abandon our precious daughter and the baby. Welcome to the family, my son. Pay no attention to this big old teddy bear; he is all bark and no bite," Mrs. Johnson says, patting me on the back before embracing me tightly in a warm hug.

"Welcome to the family, son, but don't be fooled by my tough exterior. I am fiercely protective of my loved ones. If you ever dare to hurt my daughter, remember the name, Avery Johnson, for you will regret it. Just like that coward who is causing harm to my precious girl, they will face the consequences when I get my hands on them," Mr. Johnson declares, firmly gripping my left shoulder. I stood there, observing the two as they left the room, Mr. Johnson's arm securely wrapped around his wife's waist.

At that moment, I couldn't decide what frightened me more: facing Avery's father or being alone with her in a room."

avery lay in the bed, emanating an extraordinary aura of power and sensuality that made me question my past choices to lie to her parents about my identity. What surprised me the most was her casual request for my assistance in dressing her, as if it posed no challenge at all.

I hesitated momentarily, unsure of how to respond, until her voice challenged me once more, "Aren't you my husband? Helping your vulnerable wife should be a natural instinct for any devoted husband unless it's too much for you to handle, darling."

I refused to let her gain the upper hand. Determined, I strode towards the bed, locking eyes with her captivating gaze. Those very eyes that I believed I would never see again just a few days ago. "Are you sure you want to play this game, Avery? I must warn you, you might end up with more than you bargained for," I cautioned, unintentionally lowering my voice to a husky tone.

"What game am I playing, my sweet and seductive husband? I'm simply requesting your assistance in getting dressed. Would you rather I attempt it myself and risk further harm?" Her lips curled into a mischievous smirk, fully aware that she had me right where she wanted me.

"Enough talking, Avery. Let's just get this done." Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I carefully untied the back of her hospital gown. Grateful for the opportunity to turn away, I averted my gaze as she slipped her shirt over her head, concealing the most exquisite pair of breasts I had ever laid eyes upon. My mouth watered, longing to taste their fullness.

"You can face me again, Reese." Those words struck fear into my heart. I was mortified at the thought of her discovering the undeniable evidence of my desire for her.

There was no escaping it; I could only hope she wouldn't notice.

It was clear she was enjoying this far too much. She reveled in the torment she inflicted upon me, pushing me further. "Reese, I need your assistance with putting on my joggers."

"What the hell did I get myself into?" That was the only thought racing through my mind as I carefully positioned her legs over the edge of the bed. Her legs felt incredibly smooth and soft in my hands, and I couldn't help but tenderly caress them. Just as I was lost in the sensation, she whispered my name, drawing my attention to her radiant eyes. They burned with an intense, unfiltered desire. It nearly caused me to lose my composure, but I knew this was neither the time nor the place for such indulgence. Swiftly, I guided her legs into the joggers, assisting her in putting on both socks and shoes.

I slowly stood up, trying to contain my intense desire, before placing her arms around my neck. I began guiding her body with my hands firmly on her waist, attempting to steady her without her feeling any discomfort.

"Why on earth didn't you just ask for a dress to wear?" I snapped in frustration.

"I don't know. I guess I wasn't thinking clearly at that moment," Avery said grabbing my penis, catching me completely off guard. I almost dropped her onto the floor. I quickly placed her on the bed and hurriedly left the room, as if it were on fire, not caring who I might collide with.

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