Chapter 26: Problems

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Reese's POV

I never imagined that I would feel such a sense of satisfaction in sending off one of my most valued employees.

Observing Avery and her friend frantically packing up her belongings in the hotel room, I could see the frustration in her eyes. I know that look all too well, as I've been on the receiving end of it in the past few days.

I can't decide what I'll miss more – getting under her skin or the sight of her face whenever I seek her out.

"Damn, I need to get laid before I do something stupid. Oh, wait, it's too late for that. That ship has already sailed and crashed," I muttered to myself.

I am completely drained; sleep has never been an issue for me. I could easily doze off in any situation, except when I was lying in bed next to the fiery woman in the room next door. She consumes my thoughts, whether my eyes are closed or open.

Never before has a woman occupied so much of my time and mind, and it's starting to terrify me.

"What on earth are you staring at over there that you can't hear us calling your name, Reese?" My dad's authoritative voice boomed, demanding my attention.

What do you want, Dad? I genuinely believe that these two individuals standing before me were placed on this earth solely to make my life a living nightmare.

"Why did you bring her here?" I retorted, not even bothering to utter the woman's name, as both of them were the subject of my frustration.

"I see you're still pursuing these black bitches," my father's offensive and disrespectful words about Avery reached my ears, prompting me to swiftly close the door to our adjoining rooms.

"What the hell did you just say about Avery? I can handle you disrespecting me, but if you ever speak about her like that again, I will put you in your place, old man."

"Oh, so you've finally grown some balls," he sneers. "It's a shame it's for the wrong damn thing."

"I'm not going to stand here and listen to you belittle me for my preferences. If you have something to say, spit it out and get out of my room."


"Did I ask for your opinion, you hoe?" I turned abruptly to face Hye-jin.

"I didn't think I needed your permission, Reese."

"That's your damn problem; you don't 'think' before you say or do a damn thing. You do whatever the hell you want, regardless of who may get hurt," I spat at her, filled with hatred.

"Boy, why do you harbor such animosity towards Hye-jin?" My father inquired, his face displaying genuine confusion.

"Perhaps you should reflect on your tendency to interfere in everyone's affairs except your own, and you'll find the answer to my hostility towards her," I retorted, a hint of disdain in my voice, before redirecting my attention back to him.

"I will not tolerate your blatant disrespect for much longer," my father warned.

"Isn't it ironic how you demand respect, yet fail to extend it to others? It seems the only way to earn your respect is through force," I replied, a smug chuckle escaping my lips. "Fine, I'll consider giving her a chance, but only if she'll fuck me right here, right now, in front of you, Dad," I challenged, testing them both.

"If that's what it takes, Reese, then I am more than willing to meet your demand. I assure you, you won't regret your decision," Hye-jin responded with a sense of triumph, as if she had won a valuable prize.

I gazed at both individuals before me, my head swaying in a slow, disapproving motion. "No, thank you. I'll politely decline," I chuckled bitterly, a tinge of disappointment lingering within me. It was hard to fathom that she would stoop so low as to sell herself for the sake of marriage.

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