Chapter 36: Tormented

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Greetings, esteemed individuals! I trust that life finds you in a state of utmost prosperity, conquering every endeavor you embark upon. May the abundance of love bestowed upon you exceed your wildest expectations.

P.S. I have undertaken a complete transformation of this chapter, infusing it with fresh intricacies that I sincerely hope will captivate your senses. Your feedback on these additions would be greatly appreciated. To my cherished readers, I have decided to divide this chapter into two parts, as its length would otherwise be overwhelming. I genuinely hope you relish this installment and kindly share your thoughts through voting and commenting.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for investing your time in reading my tale and sharing your invaluable insights. Your support holds immeasurable significance to me. Until we meet again, savor the forthcoming chapters and may blessings befall you abundantly.

Warm regards,


Reese's POV

As I stepped outside and made my way towards my car, a sense of unease washed over me. Leaving Avery, three months pregnant, at home, even with the hired bodyguards, didn't sit well with me. But I knew I needed some distance between us. Parking next to Tyler's car at the Pleasure Palace, I took a moment to gather myself.

The Pleasure Palace had always been our go-to spot, Tyler and I, a place to unwind and let go of our built-up tension. It was a haven filled with stunning women from diverse backgrounds, ready to fulfill any desire one might have. What set this place apart from sleazy strip clubs was the professionalism exuded by these women. They were like beautiful models, elegantly presented for our selection. Yet, I never felt compelled to indulge in their services. No matter how well-groomed they appeared, I had no interest in risking my health by contracting an STD from anyone. It was a constant reminder that reality would always prevail, hammering into my thick skull.

"What's bothering you, Reese?" Tyler asked, his voice cutting through the air before I even had a chance to settle comfortably.

"I keep having these vivid dreams about my mystery lady."

"You mean the one you call Butterfly, Reese?"

"Yeah, her."

"Alright, so what about these dreams, bro?"

At the start of the dream, it was just the two of us, experiencing an unforgettable night together. But then, unexpectedly, Avery appeared and took control of the dream. She unleashed a pleasure upon me that surpassed anything I had ever known. Every time I dreamt of her, I would awaken in the dead of night, consumed by a desire to storm into her room and continue what had begun in my dream," I confessed. As I recalled the erotic dream I had shared with Avery, my mysterious lover, my body ignited with heat. "How on earth am I going to handle this bewildering situation I've entangled myself in?" I exclaimed, my hands cradling my head. When I finally looked up, I noticed several individuals staring at Tyler and me, startled by my sudden outburst.

"Perhaps what you need is a little romantic connection. It could help you approach this situation with a clear mind and find some inner peace, my friend," Tyler suggested.

"Ty, I don't think engaging in physical intimacy is the solution I'm looking for right now."

"Alright, fair enough. How about this? Maybe it's time you express your true feelings to Avery."

"To be honest, Ty, I'm not even sure how I feel about her. All I know is that it bothers me to see her with someone else."

"That, my friend, sounds like a touch of jealousy."

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