Authors Note

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I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who has taken the time to delve into the pages of my book. Your support, through voting and commenting, means the world to me. I humbly request that you continue to share your thoughts and cast your votes. If there are any aspects that you find confusing, please don't hesitate to let me know.

I wholeheartedly welcome all comments and suggestions, as long as they are constructive and not intended to cause harm.

Writing is my passion, and there was a time when I found myself immersed in the creation of six different books simultaneously. The Unexpected, Finding Macy, Destiny Without Hope, Life of Destiny Thomas, Broken Pieces, and this current work. Unfortunately, I had to temporarily set aside those other projects to focus on completing this one, but rest assured, I have not abandoned them. I have continued to pour my heart into their creation, even though I haven't shared any further chapters. This message is specifically for those who have embarked on the journey of those books. I sincerely apologize for keeping you waiting, but please trust me when I say that I am fully committed to bringing those stories to fruition.

Moving forward, I will be posting updates on and every Friday. Once again, I extend my deepest gratitude to all of you. Until Friday, my friends.

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