Chapter 44: Whirlwind Of Emotions

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Hello, my lovely readers. Here's another update.

Reese's POV

Having Avery nestled in my arms made the world feel less cold and deary. With the two of us laying here wrapped up together, everything felt in sync. I never in my life would have pictured myself with a woman that was pregnant with another man's child, let alone making love to her this intensely.

The intimacy that we shared was incredible, beyond anything that I've ever experienced in my life. Pride and happiness have taken control of my emotions as I watched the most beautiful woman in my life lay sleeping peacefully in my arms with her ass pressed firmly against my front.

I wanted to let Avery get as much sleep as she possibly could, after all, the stress that I put on her body last night. Her soft sexy moans were making that extremely hard, for me, to do so. It didn't help matter when she was grinding her ass up against me at the same time.

Doing us both a favor, I slowly began to ease out of bed. I stood at the foot of my king-size bed staring at her beautiful body peeking out from under my black silk sheets. At that moment, I wondered if I had lost my damn mind for leaving her in bed when my body wanted to be buried deep inside of Avery. I turned and raced out of the room, putting as much space in between Avery and myself before I had the chance to change my mind.

I walked into the kitchen and spotted Mathew and August sitting at the island talking to each other. An enormous smile crept across my face as I prayed they heard Avery screams coming from my room throughout the whole night. I wanted the whole damn world to know that Avery is off-limits. Especially that punk-ass so-called boyfriend of hers. He doesn't deserve anyone as loving as Avery in his life. That jackass hasn't even bothered to check in on her once since knocking her up.

"Greetings, Mr. Choi," August and Mathew called out to me in unison while drinking a glass of water.

"Good morning, fellas. Its a glorious fucking morning." I sing back while going over to the coffee pot and grabbing me a cup full.

"Is Ms. Avery doing okay this morning? I'm only asking because she's usually in the kitchen at this time in the morning." Mathew asked with concern in his voice.

"Oh yeah, she's doing perfect!" I say looking back over my shoulder with a massive smile on my face. The look on their faces showed they had finally caught onto what I was hinting at. "I'll be heading out to the office in a little bit Mathew don't let Nobody into the house that hasn't been personally approved by me." I added before heading back upstairs to shower and get dressed for the day.

I knew without any doubt that I had made the right decision in keeping both Mathew and August on to protect Avery. Even though I thought that Avery talked to them too damn much.

My eyes went towards my bed as soon as I walked back into my room. Avery still lay there peacefully sleeping. Stepping closer to the bed I knelt beside her and removed a stray piece of her hair from her face and placed it neatly behind her right ear.

Leaning forward I placed a kiss on her lips before pulling the covers up over her. While placing her legs under the covers, I noticed a small butterfly tattoo on the top of her right foot. I froze in place as Avery, and my Mystery woman statement strikes me like a bolt of lightning. Their words "Make me feel good" kept playing over and over again like a damn broken record.

I began to stagger back towards the bedroom door. My mind keeps trying to force me to believe that the same two women's that rocked my world was Avery all this time. The happiness that I felt only moments ago is gradually being replaced with hurt.

Deep down I wanted to believe I was making something out of nothing, but all the evidence keeps piling up alerting me this wasn't the case. Like how Avery keeps referring to the baby as ours instead of hers and someone else's.

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