Chapter 4: Mr. Sexy

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Avery's POV...

I scanned the room, my eyes searching for the captivating gentleman who had ignited a fire within me earlier. This man had a way of unraveling my inhibitions, leading me to engage in actions and utter words that were foreign to my usual self. His magnetic presence and seductive voice seemed to awaken a carefree and untamed side of me that I never knew existed. I found myself behaving in inexplicable ways, experiencing sensations I had never encountered before.

Even now, my desire for him burned fiercely, consuming my thoughts as I stood amidst a crowd of people. Memories of our passionate encounter on the dance floor flooded my mind, causing my pulse to quicken and my body to respond with an insatiable hunger.

"Damn, it felt so incredibly satisfying to run my fingers through his soft, silky hair," I mused to myself, a mischievous smile playing on my lips. "Witnessing the way his body reacted to my touch made me feel empowered and desired, especially as I watched his eyes dilate right before me."

In that moment, I embraced the intoxicating allure of our connection, cherishing the exhilarating sensations that this mysterious man had awakened within me.

Despite the fear that gnawed at the back of my mind, I couldn't shake the desire to reunite with Mr. Sexy and experience the same intoxicating connection we had shared earlier. With that burning thought fueling my determination, I eagerly scanned the crowded dance floor, hoping to catch even the slightest glimpse of him.

"Why are you hiding in this corner?" Emily's voice broke through my concentration, pulling me back to reality.

"I'm just here, single-handedly preventing the walls from crumbling on unsuspecting dancers," I retorted, my sarcasm lacing my words.

"Avery and we brought you here to have a good time, not to isolate yourself in a corner," Brendan snapped, his arms crossed firmly over his chest.

"Calling this a splendid time while being harassed by sleazy men left and right? Well, congratulations, you two have certainly excelled in that department," I shouted, my voice barely audible over the blaring music.

"In my opinion, it's a considerable improvement from your usual routine," Emily retorted, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "I wouldn't mind sinking my claws into that sexy man by the bar," she added, blurting out her sudden desire.

I rolled my eyes, a mix of frustration and amusement washing over me. Despite the chaotic and uncomfortable situation, Emily's unabashed enthusiasm managed to bring a hint of laughter to my lips. It was in moments like these that I appreciated the unwavering loyalty and unfiltered honesty of my friends.

Curiosity piqued, I turned my head towards the bar to see who Emily was referring to. To my astonishment, she was talking about the tall, striking male model who had caught my eye earlier. "Damn, this man exudes confidence effortlessly, as if he just walked straight out of a GQ photoshoot," I muttered to myself, unable to tear my gaze away.

"Why are you licking your lips in such a suggestive manner?" Brendan's voice interrupted my thoughts, his hand gently tapping my shoulder.

A blush crept up my cheeks as I realized my unintentional gesture. "Oh, uh, it's nothing," I stammered, trying to regain composure.

"Well, well, it seems I'm not the only one in this room who wants to savor him like a favorite strawberry lollipop," Emily chimed in, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips as she placed her hands firmly on her hips.

As Emily and I shared a silent understanding, acknowledging the allure of the captivating man, a wave of embarrassment washed over me. I couldn't help but feel self-conscious for openly ogling a stranger in front of my friends. To make matters worse, my imagination had taken a wild turn, conjuring up all sorts of fun and daring scenarios involving him.

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