Chapter 42: Tyler

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Reese's POV

Today, I experienced a surge of childlike excitement, akin to a youngster in a candy emporium, given the opportunity to select his ultimate action-figure hero toy. I was floating on cloud nine, impervious to any worldly forces that could dampen this euphoria, not even my own father. Over the past month, I have been fortunate enough to wake up every day and be greeted by Avery's radiant smile. It pains me to admit that her presence in my life is a consequence of a deranged individual who has made it his twisted mission to torment her. Without this unfortunate circumstance, I would have remained oblivious to the profound joy I was missing out on. I understand the selfishness of my emotions, yet I find myself unable to resist them in this moment.

Throughout my life, I have never allowed any woman to spend the night at my humble abode, not even Hye-jin or Taylor. Moreover, the mere thought of inviting someone into my sanctuary has never crossed my mind. However, here I stand, not only prepared but eager to embrace Avery and her child as integral parts of my own family. It feels peculiar to envision myself as a devoted family man, considering I have always relished the freedom of the single life. I guess it is true when they say that I just haven't met the right woman to tame all of my wild ways.

It's quite astonishing how Avery, a small yet fiery and gentle force, has managed to quell my untamed desires. These perplexing thoughts have left me questioning my sanity. Here I am, a vibrant and passionate young man, willingly abstaining from sexual encounters for nearly six months, despite the abundance of women who throw themselves at me. Even now, my mind refuses to entertain such thoughts, as if it were a betrayal to Avery.

"I suppose there's no point in asking where your mind wandered off to," Tyler exclaims, clearly irritated by my distraction.

"Tyler, what's been happening with you lately? I can sense that there's something deeper bothering you." I questioned after recalling how his demeanor has been fluctuating between being very annoyed and angry lately. This newfound side of him is a stark contrast to his typically carefree and cheerful self. While it's normal for anyone to have off days, our friendship has always been built on trust and openness. We've shared our deepest secrets and supported each other through thick and thin. Tyler has been my rock during some of my darkest moments, and I've done the same for him.

"I appreciate your concern, but I don't want to burden you with my own trivial problems. You already have so much on your plate."

"I have enough room in my life to support you and help carry your burdens. You're not alone in this, bro."

"Instead of standing here daydreaming about what you'll do with Avery, why don't you lend a hand and help me move all this heavy furniture of hers? That would be a real way to show your support."

"I see what you're trying to do. You thought changing the subject would distract me, but it won't work. I won't let you off the hook that easily, Tyler. You're my best friend, like a brother to me, and I love you. Please, talk to me about what's been bothering you."

"Why do you think something is bothering me?" Tyler questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"Well, for one, you've been incredibly moody lately, on the verge of exploding every time I see you. And secondly, you've always been the one with a positive and vibrant outlook, no matter what challenges you faced."

"It's nothing I can't handle," he replied, forcing a smile onto his face.

"I know you're capable of handling anything that comes your way, but you don't have to face it alone. No matter what I'm going through, I'll always be there for you. I still want to know what's going on with you, even if I can't fix it. Maybe together, we can find a solution."

"Alright, my other mom, it's just the stress from my job getting to me."

"What specifically about your job is causing you stress, Tyler? Does any of this have to do with Avery?"

"I feel responsible for Avery being attacked in her own home."

"And how is that your fault?" I asked, still struggling to comprehend how he had concluded that he was to blame for the actions of a deranged individual.

"Mathew and August were the two bodyguards that I specifically assigned to protect Avery's. I failed you, and more importantly, I put Avery and her baby's lives in jeopardy. I can't understand why you're not furious with me for messing up like this, because I am absolutely livid with myself."

"None of this falls on your shoulders, Mathew, or August's," I reassured him, hoping to alleviate some of the burden he was carrying. When I saw that my words weren't having the desired effect, I pressed on. "I trust you with my life, and I wholeheartedly believe that you would never intentionally endanger Avery or anyone else. I also have complete faith in both Mathew and August's abilities to protect her. If I didn't, I wouldn't hesitate to bring in someone else."

"Bro, I hear what you're saying, but you entrusted me, your best friend, with keeping Avery safe."

"You're still my best friend, and I have complete faith in your ability to protect Avery," I reiterated, hoping that my words would finally sink in. "But when it comes to your personal life, that's a whole different situation, buddy," I added, trying to lighten the mood.

"How can you joke in a situation like this?"

"Because Avery and her baby are safe, that's how. And for the third time, I don't hold you responsible for anything that has happened."

"Hearing you say those words to me has lifted the weight of the world off my shoulders. I've been so worried that what happened to Avery would strain our friendship," he confessed, a huge smile spreading across his face.

"Now, what kind of friend would I be if I let something like this come between us, especially when I know it wasn't your fault? Nothing in this world can tear our friendship apart if we don't let it, Tyler."

"Thanks for the brotherly pep talk. I needed that. Now, let's get you home before my sister-in-law serves both our heads on a platter for being gone too long," he said, his mood noticeably improved.

"You're going a little hard on the sister-in-law stuff, don't you think?" I asked, a chuckle escaping my lips.

"That's what I thought at first too, bro. Until I found out that the gorgeous Ms. Avery Johnson will be staying at your house with your ugly self."

"Who the hell are you calling ugly? I guess you haven't looked in the mirror lately because I've got you beat by a long shot in the looks department, Ty."

"I'm delighted that you keep telling yourself that lie," he snicker.

"It's in the proof, bro. Who's got the pretty girl at home with them and who doesn't? Is it you or me?" I bragged, giving him a playful pat on the shoulder.

"Whatever, let's go before Avery changes her mind about staying with you. I don't want to witness a grown-ass man crying like a baby again."

"Now, that's the old Tyler I'm used to seeing, with his smart-ass mouth and witty comebacks."

Hello again, everyone! I want to express my gratitude for your continued support in reading my book. If you enjoyed this chapter, please take a moment to vote and leave a comment.

I would love to hear your thoughts on Reese and Tyler's friendship.

Until next time, stay safe. And once again, please remember to vote and comment.


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