Chapter 20: Mentally Preoccupied

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Reese POV

To be completely honest with all of you, I must confess that I couldn't even begin to explain what today's meeting was all about. My mind was so incredibly distant from this place that it felt as if I should have just stayed with Avery today. I called her every fifteen to thirty minutes, and I know her number by heart.

At one point, it seemed as though she had become so exasperated with my constant inquiries about her well-being that she would preemptively say, "I'm fine, Reese," before I even had the chance to ask the question. I can't fathom why I'm so inexplicably invested in her state of being. This question has been plaguing my thoughts for the past few days. Glancing down at my watch, I let out a frustrated groan. I've been stuck in this office for far too long without even the slightest clue about what's going on or what has been discussed. 

"Reese honey, are you okay?" Hye-jin asked, giving me a fake smile.

Internally cringing, I shifted my gaze towards Hye-jin, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion. "What on earth..."

"Reese!" My father's stern voice rang out, accompanied by a disapproving shake of his head.

Scanning the room, I noticed that all conversations had ceased, and every eye was fixed on my father and me. As a respected professional in the business world, I couldn't allow this one incident to tarnish my reputation.

"I apologize, everyone, for my outburst," I said, addressing the room. "Mr. Davis, could you please repeat what you just said?" I asked, mustering my signature convincing smile that I was known for.

Stealthily, I withdrew my hand from Hye-jin's grasp while Mr. Davis, the esteemed owner of Davis Modeling House in Jamaica, continued speaking. His agency was renowned worldwide, responsible for launching the careers of numerous well-known models, including the highly sought-after Clinton Moxam.

I found myself aligning with two of the most prosperous and influential companies in Jamaica, and it was imperative that I gather my composure swiftly. Scanning the room, I couldn't help but acknowledge the daunting challenge ahead of me. It seemed as though a miracle was necessary to navigate this meeting successfully. Adding to the mix were Judy Blair and her agent, Mrs. Carmen Loften from Dynasty Production Inc. Both Clinton and Judy appeared visibly disinterested, longing to be anywhere but here in this moment.

"What will it take for both of you to come on board with our team?" I inquired, directing my question towards Clinton and Judy.

As I pondered this, an unwelcome interruption disrupted my train of thought. "Knock, knock," I groaned, wondering who had the audacity to disturb us at such a crucial moment.

"I'll get it," Hye-jin volunteered eagerly, her voice cutting through the room.

Trying to maintain focus, I waited for Clinton and Judy's response, but my attention was momentarily diverted by Hye-jin's impolite remark, "Well, aren't you considerably late"

Internally, I silently prayed that it wasn't Avery standing on the other side of that door. Almost forgetting I was in the midst of a conversation with Clinton and Judy, I heard Avery's voice utter, "I'm sorry." This woman was bound to be the death of me if my father didn't get to me first. Observing Hye-jin swiftly positioning herself between the door and Avery, she closed it firmly.

"Mr. Choi, for my client to even consider being in your movie, he wants to be the lead male character," Mr. Davis blurts out, momentarily diverting my attention from the door.

Mrs. Loften chimes in, echoing a similar sentiment, "The same condition applies to my client as well."

Realizing the need for a brief pause to consult with my film director on the feasibility of their requests, I suggest, "Let's take a short break so I can discuss this with my team."

"We'll reconvene in half an hour," my father announces before I exit the room. Stepping out of the expansive conference room, I notice Avery wearing a somber expression. Hye-jin walks away from her, returning to my side with a smug smile on her face.

"What did you say to her?" I snap at Hye-jin, unable to contain my frustration.

"I'm going to ask you one more time. What on earth did you say to Avery?" I seethed, my grip on her arm tightening.

"I simply reminded her that punctuality is crucial if she wants to keep her job. That's all I said to her," Hye-jin retorted defiantly.

"What gives you the right to speak to my employee in such a disrespectful manner?" I demanded, my anger escalating. Sensing the growing attention from onlookers, I swiftly guided her into a private office.

"Because I'm your prospective wife!" Hye-jin yelled.

An angry, bitter laugh escaped my lips. "You will never, under any circumstances, be my wife. You don't even qualify as a side piece, let alone someone's wife!" I spat out, my words dripping with cold disdain.

"Well, I couldn't care less about what my father believes. His opinions hold no significance to me," I retort, my frustration mounting. With that, I storm out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

Avery remains in the same spot where I had left her when I pulled Hye-jin away. "Avery, what are you doing here?" I inquire, approaching her.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were engaged to be married?" she asks, avoiding my question.

"What???" I respond, taken aback by her statement, finding it both absurd and amusing.

"Don't you realize that me being in your room can lead to all sorts of rumors and complications between you and your fiancée?" she continues, her expression reflecting hurt. The words "your fiancée" feel like a dagger to my ears, threatening to rot them away.

"Look at me, Avery," I gently demanded, lifting her face to meet mine. "I am not in a relationship with that woman, and I am certainly not engaged to her. Moreover, I couldn't care less about what anyone thinks regarding you being in my room. Please don't worry about that. You have more important pressing matters to focus on right now, like why on earth did you come down here in the first place?"

"I thought it would be better if I joined you in the meeting. You keep calling me every fifteen minutes instead of focusing on this crucial meeting," she responds dryly, avoiding eye contact.

"Something could have happened to you coming down here alone!" I exclaim, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.

"But nothing happened! Look, I'm here, and I'm safe, aren't I?" she quickly retorted, trying to dismiss my worries.

"That's not the point. We had an agreement, remember? You should have at least called me and let me know you were coming here," I responded, my frustration evident. Just as I finished speaking, the conference room door swung open, revealing my father, who gestured for us to enter.

"This conversation is far from over," I assert, firmly grasping her hand and leading her into the room alongside me.

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