Chapter 34: My Personal Bodyguard

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Avery's POV

Two weeks later, Avery's POV.

Sitting down on my bed, I placed my head in my hand just as I hear a loud banging noise on the other side of my bedroom door.

I sat there contemplating whether I possessed enough energy to tackle with talking to both Emily and Brendan at the same time. Looking across the room, I discovered two sets of eyes staring holes through me.

"Why in the hell are you two staring at me?" I asked feeling irritated as fuck.

"Ms. Lady, you have a helluva a lot of explaining to do." I hear Emily say now standing at the foot of my bed with her hands placed firmly on her hips.

I immediately began looking around the room at nothing in particular as I try ignoring her statement.

"There's nothing in this damn room that is so fucking interesting that you haven't seen a million of times. so out with it now!" Emily snapped.

I knew I was going to have to deal with them sooner or later, but I was hoping that It was going to be way later. Emily and Brendan both flopped down on my bed one on each side of me. I watched as Emily began to pout like a five-year-old, I could always count on Brendan being the mature one in the group. He was also the no bullshitter in the group. His expression on his face informed me of the fact that his patience was wearing thin with me.

"I guess we already know what the fuck you've been doing these past few weeks. The bigger question is who in the hell have you been doing it with Emily interjected with a raised eyebrow?" Here we thought you were going to remain an old maid for the rest of your life." Emily exclaimed with a big smiled spread across her face.

"Emily, can you please stop being overly dramatic?" I respond thrusting both my hands up in the air and rolling my eyes at her.

"So who's the proud daddy?" Brendan asked never being the type to beat around the bush about anything whenever he wanted an answer.

"Please tell us its Reese sexy ass Avery," Emily asked jumping up off the bed.

I felt my heart accelerate just from her mentioning his name. Damn, I'm in big trouble I thought out loud.

"Damn straight you're in trouble both Emily and Brendan both said in unison!" How could you withhold something like this from us? Brendan says with a pained expression on his face as he turns away from me. You're the first person I turn to when something happens to me. I thought our friendship meant something to you!

I'm sorry Brendan, but I didn't know I was pregnant. I do value our friendship more than you will ever know. Please look at me, Brendan! "I'm sorry, and I promise I won't hold out on you guys ever again." Emily, you guys have to promise me you won't tell Reese about this.

"Whoa, wait a minute don't he already know he's the daddy since he's playing your fake husband and all?" Brendan asked in disbelief.

Shaking my head, I looked at the floor while squeezing my right hand tightly. I was too petrified I would see the sheer disappointment planted across Brendan face that I knew to be there.

"Avery, you have to tell him before this gets way out of hand," Emily chips in with concern in her voice.

I know you guys, but it scares me whenever I think about his reaction towards me. I'm afraid he might think I'm trying to trap him with a baby. "What is his father going to think about me when he finds out?"

"Who gives a fuck about what that old bastard has to say, Avery?" You have enough on your plate and what he thinks don't fucking matters at this fucking point. "It's not like you tied Reese's ass up and forced his dick inside of you without his damn knowledge." If you did, then you possess some fantastic fucking skills, and we've been in the fucking dark about your wild side all along. Emily replies while hugging me.

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