Chapter 16: My Treasure

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Unknown third person POV

As I stood on the balcony of my hotel room, bitterness consumed my thoughts. "Could my day possibly worsen?" I pondered, frustration evident in my tone. From my vantage point, I observed the object of my obsession engaged in conversation with a hotel employee.

Right from the start, I sensed trouble with this individual. The way he shamelessly ogled Avery's every feature, from head to toe, was a clear indication that he was attracted to her. Not only did I have to worry about him making a foolish move on my woman, but I also had to contend with her oblivious boss. How could this stupid asshole not have the slightest inkling that it was Avery he fucked Friday night? This whole situation seemed utterly absurd to me.

I can sense that you're curious about how I possess such extensive knowledge about the events that unfolded between Avery and Reese. You see, when it comes to anything involving my beloved, I am always vigilant and well-informed.

The memory of witnessing her boss nestled comfortably between her enchanting legs, indulging in her with an insatiable hunger, still haunts me. Her passionate moans reverberated through the room, filling the air with an intoxicating energy. I could see her pulling at his hair, desperately pleading for more.

In this moment, my masculinity surges, and my desire intensifies, as I reminisce about every exquisite detail of her magnificent physique, etched forever in my mind. I find myself caressing my own self, until my attention is abruptly diverted to the despicable individual who stole what rightfully belonged to me - her innocence. He races towards Avery, the one I hold dear to my heart.

My arousal quickly dissipated, leaving me with a flaccid disappointment in my hand, resembling an overcooked, lifeless noodle. I remained rooted in place, witnessing the intense argument between the two bastards, both vying for possession of my beloved. Her boss clung to her possessively, as if he had some absurd entitlement to her, as if he were her rightful partner.

My anger surged, a metallic taste of blood filling my mouth as it dripped from my nose. Yet, I refused to intervene, relishing in the spectacle of these two individuals fighting over her like animals in heat, I was eager to see who would emerge victorious.

The timid hotel employee trembled before us, almost about to piss all over himself. At that moment, I realized my initial concern about him being a formidable rival for Avery's affections was utterly unfounded. He was far too feeble to even muster the courage to defend his own existence, let alone compete for her.

It became evident that Avery herself recognized his pitiful nature too, because she stood awkwardly between her boss and the trembling employee, attempting to reassure the latter that she remained unharmed. However, her efforts were in vain. I shook my head from sided after seeing the hotel clerk promptly turn on his heels and retreated towards the opulent hotel, leaving Avery to fend for herself. What a pathetic excuse for a man he proved to be.

However, her boss presented an entirely different narrative. The intensity in his gaze was downright terrifying as he loomed over Avery, his voice booming with anger. It seemed as though he was on the verge of losing control, ready to explode if this confrontation continued any further. Yet, I remained unfazed, confident in my ability to handle him effortlessly, as long as my carefully crafted plan unfolded as expected.

Retreating back into the confines of my room, I retrieved my cell phone from my pocket, ready to set my meticulously devised plans into motion. After concluding my phone call, I sprawled across the bed, allowing my mind to wander back to the very first moment our eyes met. It was a scorching day in June when she walked into Choi Enterprise for a job interview.

The radiance of her face was simply unparalleled, her smile so captivating and breathtaking that it outshone even the blazing sun itself. As she emerged from Reese's private office, that enchanting smile remained etched in my memory, forever illuminating my thoughts.

An undeniable magnetic force pulled me towards her, much like a moth helplessly drawn to an eternal flame. Her legs were a sight to behold, captivating my gaze as it roamed over her alluring figure, from head to toe. Instantly, my manhood responded, swelling and growing in size. This was an unprecedented experience for me, as no other woman had ever evoked such a profound effect on me without even being aware of it.

Suddenly, a thunderous knock on my door shattered my reverie, jolting me back to reality. Making my way towards the door, I instinctively unlocked it without needing to glance through the peephole, already aware of the identity of the visitor... Sofia.

Hey everyone! I've made a spontaneous decision to release an early update today, and guess what? There's another one coming your way tomorrow! Although it's a tad shorter than usual, I really hope you enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to show your support by voting and leaving comments. Stay safe until tomorrow, and once again, thank you so much!

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