Chapter 28: Aching Heart

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Hello, dear readers! I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the story so far. In this chapter, we'll be diving into Reese's perspective, giving you a glimpse into his thoughts and emotions.

I wanted to explore Reese's softer side and show how he handles the challenges that come his way. It's going to be a bit tough for both Avery and Reese, but I believe in their strength and resilience.

I understand that some of you may have mixed feelings about the events unfolding for Avery, but I assure you that I carefully considered the best way to bring out Reese's character development. I hope you'll appreciate the journey we're about to embark on.

Once again, I want to express my gratitude for your continued support and readership. Your votes and comments mean the world to me. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts on this chapter and how you feel about the story's progression.

Stay safe, and may blessings be upon you all.

Warm regards,


Reese's POV

Exhausted, I slumped in the driver's seat of my car, unsure of how to process the news that Avery was carrying another man's child. It puzzled me why I even cared about the identity of the father. Glancing at the passenger seat, a wave of unease washed over me as I finally noticed the extent of her blood loss.

Tears welled up in my eyes, an unfamiliar sight for someone who rarely let emotions get the best of him. Traumatic memories of almost losing Avery flooded my mind, replaying like a haunting movie scene. The images were so vivid, that it felt as if I was reliving the horror all over again. My suppressed emotions surged like a raging tidal wave in a tempestuous storm, shattering my peace of mind. I sat there, desperately hoping and praying that I wouldn't lose Avery or her unborn child.

Tears streamed down my face as I confronted the weight of the emotional pain I had unknowingly inflicted upon her in the past few days. I had failed to be there for her when she needed me the most, leaving her vulnerable and unsafe in the presence of some deranged intruder who had invaded her sanctuary.

Frustration and fear consumed me. "I can't bear to lose her!" I shouted, my voice echoing in the stillness of the car. My heart shattered into countless fragments, and I knew there was no way to piece it back together. Before re-entering the confines of the building, I take a moment to straighten my disheveled shirt, desperately seeking solace in the hope of maintaining my fragile mental stability. With a heavy heart, I prepare myself for the inevitable sight of Avery, lying motionless in the sterile white hospital bed, her weakened state a painful reminder of their vulnerability. Deep down, I am aware that witnessing her in such a condition could shatter the delicate balance within me, and cause me to unleash the torrent of anguish and rage that I was trying to keep at bay.

As I mustered the strength to confront the sight of Avery lying motionless in bed, I stepped out of the car and made my way back into the hospital. Just as I passed the nursing station outside Avery's room, the doctor's voice pierced through the air, calling out to me.

"Mr. Choi," she beckoned, her tone laced with urgency.

"Your wife..."

"Wife?" I muttered to myself, my right eye arched in confusion.

"I need a few minutes of your time," she continued, oblivious to the perplexed expression etched across my face.

"Whose fucking husband am I supposed to be?" I questioned internally, until the realization dawned upon me that I had introduced myself as Avery's husband.

"Can I speak with you in my office regarding your wife's and unborn child's condition?" she pressed on, snapping me out of my bewildered state.

"Sure," I replied, my frayed nerves getting the best of me as I followed her into her office. Anxious thoughts flooded my mind, conjuring up the worst possible scenarios regarding Avery's condition. "Is my wife and child going to be okay?" I blurted out as soon as the office door closed behind me.

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