Chapter 6: Shocked

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Avery's POV: 

As I lay in bed, yearning to slip back into the enchanting dream that had captivated me, my attempts proved fruitless. With closed eyes, I endeavored to rise from the bed, only to encounter an unexplainable resistance impeding my departure. It felt as though an overwhelming force weighed me down, anchoring me in place. Succumbing to curiosity, I reluctantly opened my eyes, only to find myself immersed in a room adorned with opulence that surpassed my wildest imagination. Casting my gaze downward, I beheld a strong, sun-kissed arm wrapped around my body, holding me firmly in its grasp.

"That wasn't just a figment of my imagination," I whispered, attempting to slip out of bed without disturbing the man whose arm was tightly embracing me. "Ouch, damn it." I muttered as a sharp pain surged through my body, causing me to freeze. As I lay there, a cascade of vivid memories flooded my mind, replaying all the daring encounters I had shared with a mysterious stranger throughout the night and into the early hours of the morning. Sensual images of his lips enveloping my nipples ignited a fiery heat within me, making me squirm involuntarily. "Oh, how I longed to feel his warm mouth on my nipples once more," I murmured, just as the stranger began to stir. "Please, don't wake up," I silently pleaded.

With caution, I gingerly slipped out of bed as soon as his movements ceased, allowing him to drift back into a tranquil sleep. Hastily, I scrambled around the room, desperately searching for my mask, only to realize in a sudden epiphany that it was still securely fastened to my face.

Curiosity compelled me to steal a glance at the remarkably talented individual who had made my first experience so extraordinary. As my gaze wandered from his impeccably sculpted legs, it inevitably landed on his impressive member, tempting me to leap back into bed and relive the pleasures of the previous night. Never before had I experienced such intense pleasure, and damn it, I yearned to feel that way once more. My eyes continued their ascent, tracing the contours of his perfectly chiseled abs, forming a seductive six-pack. I nearly stumbled backward in disbelief when I realized it was my handsome boss lying there, completely exposed in his slumber. "This must be some kind of twisted joke," I grumbled, rubbing my eyes in disbelief before cautiously directing my gaze back towards the bed.

"This can't be real," I lamented, overwhelmed by the realization that I had engaged in a passionate encounter with my boss. With a sense of regret, I stumbled backward, careful not to disturb his slumber, and hastily made my way out of the opulent room. Once in the hallway, panic seized me, propelling me to sprint towards the elevator as if my very existence depended on it – which, in a way, it did. Anxiety coursed through my veins, my heart pounding relentlessly as I pressed the button for the lobby on the elevator panel. Throughout the entire taxi ride home, my mind was consumed by a single thought: What in the world have I done? It wasn't until I stepped foot into the safety of my two-bedroom apartment that I finally felt a semblance of security.

I chastised myself for naively believing that I could indulge in some carefree fun without facing the consequences. Emily and Brendan's persuasion had led me down this disastrous path, and I couldn't help but resent them for it. "How am I supposed to face Reese at work?" I shouted in frustration, as if the walls held the answers I desperately sought.

The question echoed relentlessly in my mind, "What am I going to do?" I repeated it like a broken record. I couldn't bear the thought of jeopardizing the job I had worked tirelessly to attain, all because of an unforgettable one-night encounter. Just as my thoughts spiraled, my phone began to ring once more, interrupting my internal turmoil. "What do you want, Emily?" I snapped into the phone, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Ah, aren't we a bundle of joy this morning?" Brendan's voice rang through the phone, filled with amusement. "Seems like someone didn't have a wild night," he teased, followed by a chuckle.

I couldn't tolerate any more of his and Emilys sarcastic remarks. "I've had enough of your smart-ass comments, Brendan," I retorted, my words laced with more aggression than intended.

Concern seeped into Brendan's voice as he asked, "What's wrong, Avery?"

"Nothing," I replied, attempting to regain control over my anger.

"Avery, something happened last night, didn't it?" Brendan pressed, his worry palpable.

"No, Brendan."


"Fine, if you really want to know," I snapped, my frustration boiling over. "Thanks to you and Emily, a lot happened last night that should never have happened."

"Avery, I understand that you may be feeling upset, but I believe it's important to approach this situation with a level head. Take a moment to collect yourself and explain what happened last night that has you feeling this way."

"Rehashing the events won't alter the outcome, Brendan. I was so frustrated that I wanted to tear my hair out, or better yet, pull out yours and Emily. The bottom line is, I won't be seeking advice from either of you again," I retorted sharply before abruptly ending the call.

"How dare Brendan insinuate that I'm overreacting?" I muttered angrily to myself, storming into my room and forcefully shutting the door.

Perched on the edge of my bed, I found myself lost in a sea of thoughts, torn between two choices: should I walk away from my job, or should I push through and pretend that everything is normal between Reese and me? The weight of this decision consumed my entire Saturday, leaving my mind in a state of emotional chaos. The incessant ringing of my phone went unanswered, as I chose to retreat from the outside world for the remainder of the day.

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