Chapter 27: Feeling Useless

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Reese's POV

Gazing upon the extraordinary woman who has seized command of my every mental faculty, sprawled unconscious on the tiled bathroom floor, a sense of helplessness and genuine fear washed over me. These emotions were unfamiliar territory, leaving me disoriented and vulnerable.

Flashback started:

As I hurriedly finished my shower and got dressed, I threw on a vibrant red pullover polo shirt, paired with comfortable blue cardigan shorts. Completing my outfit, I slipped into a pair of sleek red Nike Air Force Ones. Suddenly, a piercing scream echoed from Avery's room, sending shivers down my spine.

My mind raced, fearing the worst. Had someone managed to harm Avery, breaching the safety of her room? Anger surged within me as I thought about the people responsible for protecting her. They had one simple task, and they had failed miserably.

Without a moment's hesitation, I stormed across the room, flinging open the door with an unnecessary force. My eyes burned with intensity, ready to confront the person responsible for Avery's distress.

"What the hell is going on?" I demanded, my voice filled with authority. My gaze fell upon Brendan, who paced anxiously, on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"Brendan, where is Avery?" I questioned sharply, gripping his shoulder firmly, causing him to freeze in his tracks.

"She's in there," he stammered, pointing towards the bathroom.

I had done everything within my power to brace myself for the unknown that lay beyond that door. Little did I know, no amount of preparation could have readied me for the astonishing scene that awaited me.

The flashback concluded...

Lying motionless on the cold floor, Avery remained unconscious, a crimson stream trickling from the right side of her head. Agony gripped my heart, as if a vital piece of myself had been torn away and now lay beside her.

Reality shattered as Emily's desperate plea pierced the air, jolting me back to the present. With utmost care, I cradled Avery in my arms, embracing her like a fragile bride, and raced towards the waiting elevator. Adrenaline surged through my veins, propelling me forward. As I glanced down at her delicate form, I noticed a haunting pallor that had settled upon her features, intensifying in the mere moments since I last beheld her. Unbeknownst to me, tears streamed down my face, mingling with the chaos as I stepped out of the elevator and sprinted out of the building.

As the valet opened the passenger side door and handed me the keys, I gently guided her delicate figure into the seat. The sound of both back doors opening alerted me to Emily and Brendan's arrival, joining us in the car.

Without wasting a moment, I swiftly programmed the GPS to navigate us to the nearest hospital. "What happened to her?" I asked urgently, securing my seatbelt.

"We're not sure, Reese. One minute she was perfectly fine, laughing and chatting, and the next she was in a state of panic, rushing towards the bathroom," Emily replied, tears streaming down her face. She leaned forward, tenderly caressing Avery's cheek.

"Don't leave me, Avery," Emily sobbed, her panic escalating.

"Emily, please try to calm down. Avery is strong, she'll be alright. She's a fighter, and she knows she has a whole army of people rooting for her," Brendan reassured her, though his tone betrayed a hint of uncertainty.

Instead of him offering words of encouragement to Emily, it should have been me receiving that much-needed pep talk. My mind was in disarray, consumed by worry for the fiery woman now passed out beside me. The treacherous journey to the hospital was an agonizing ordeal, riddled with fear. A groan escaped me as I glanced at my buzzing cell phone, revealing my father's name on the screen. I swiftly silenced the call and set my phone to silent mode. Dealing with his antics was the last thing I needed at this moment.

Upon arriving at the emergency room, Brendan hastily exited the car and hurried inside the hospital. I was left alone to console a frantic Emily, while Avery remained unconscious in the front seat.

With urgency, I scooped Avery into my arms and sprinted towards the entrance of the emergency room, just as Brendan approached me with a team of nurses, pushing a stretcher.

"How long has she been like this?" inquired one of the nurses. I glanced at Brendan and Emily, hoping for an answer.

"It's been around fifteen to twenty minutes," Brendan replied. I observed as the medical team swiftly transported her into the emergency room.

"Would the party of Avery Johnson please approach the check-in counter?" a female voice announced through the intercom.

"I'll need her ID and insurance card," the receptionist informed Brendan. Emily was still in a state of shock, rendering her unable to provide any assistance.

"Can I bring them later today?" Brendan pleaded with the elderly lady behind the desk.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we require them now!" the receptionist snapped at him.

My anger surged as I stood there, listening to this insensitive woman prioritize money over someone's life. "Here, charge the bill to my debit card," I declared, slamming it down on the counter alongside my ID. "I'll cover whatever she needs," I stated firmly, leaving the reception area.

An hour had passed, and my patience was wearing thin. "Why is it taking so long for someone to give us an update?" I snapped, unable to contain my frustration.

The receptionist, clearly taken aback by my impatience, apologized, "I'm sorry, sir, but the doctor is still with her. He'll come out as soon as he can to inform you about her condition."

I knew I was being rude, but at that moment, I couldn't bring myself to care. Both Brendan and I were pacing back and forth, anxiously awaiting any news. If they didn't come out soon, Emily would surely lose her mind.

"Are you Mrs. Johnson's family?" the doctor inquired as he approached us.

"Yes, I'm her husband, Reese Choi," I blurted out, not knowing where in the hell that answer came from. Brendan and Emily exchanged bewildered glances, mirroring the shock I felt inside.

"Mr. Choi," the doctor called out, his hand swaying in front of my eyes, desperately seeking my attention.

"Yes, doctor," I responded, attempting to maintain composure amidst the chaos.

"Your wife has experienced significant blood loss, which caused the delay. I must admit, there was a moment when I feared for both her and the baby," he confessed, his smile faltering.

"The baby?" I stammered, struggling to comprehend the words I had just heard.

"Currently, both your wife and the baby are stable," he assured me, mopping his perspiring forehead with a pitifully dry paper towel.

My mind spun, grappling with the revelation that Avery was pregnant, when Brendan timidly inquired, "Is she conscious?"

"I regret to inform you all that she is currently asleep. Mrs. Choi did show signs of improvement for a brief period, but unfortunately, her blood pressure suddenly spiked, causing her condition to become unstable once again. To protect both her and the baby, I had to make the difficult decision to administer sedation. Rest assured, she will recover," the doctor assured us confidently.

"May we see her?" I inquired, skeptical of his words until I witnessed her well-being with my own eyes.

"Certainly, but only one person at a time, and please be mindful not to disturb her. Your wife requires ample rest for a swift recovery," he added before departing.

As I entered the hushed room, the only sound that filled the air was the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor. Gazing upon Avery, her complexion appeared pallid and delicate, and a solitary tear cascaded down my cheek, fearing that I had almost lost her.

"I'm sorry Avery I shouldn't have let you out of my site," I expressed remorsefully. "You need to recover for the sake of your baby and me," I whispered, gently planting a kiss on her lips. With a heavy heart, I turned away and exited the room.

I truly hope that you all find this chapter enjoyable.

Please take a moment to vote and leave your comments. Once again, I wish you all blessings and safety until we meet again.


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