Chapter 50: Surprise

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Reese's POV

The world surrounding me gleamed with an extraordinary brilliance, surpassing its usual radiance. My spirits soared higher with each passing minute as if carried by an invisible current. Even though I found myself reluctantly stationed behind my desk, at the very place I despised, it failed to dampen my happiness. This was an unprecedented occurrence.

To my surprise, my smile remained intact as my father stormed into my office, forcefully slamming the door behind him. "What on earth have you been up to these past few days?" he bellowed, his voice reverberating through the room with veins protruding from the side of his neck and his teeth clenched tightly. A part of me feared he would lose control, while the other part, which couldn't care less, secretly hoped he would.

"Finally enjoying my life," I calmly retorted, refusing to grant him the satisfaction or the opportunity to ruin my day.

"The way you're neglecting your responsibilities at my company, Reese, speaks volumes about how you're enjoying your life," my father retorted sharply.

"Your company?" I raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "You haven't been actively running this company since I took over. All you've been doing is trying to assert your authority and intimidate others in front of your peers."

"Boy, watch your mouth! Don't you dare talk to me like that. You're not too old for me to discipline, son."

"Father, is there a specific reason for your sudden outburst in my office this early in the morning? Please get to the point," I replied dismissively.

As my father's anger escalated, I couldn't help but smile even wider. This was the first time I genuinely didn't care about his opinion of me. The image of Avery's pure joy remained etched in my mind, replaying over and over again. My father's growing frustration only fueled my indifference.

"I suppose some foul-tempered lady has your head all up in her ass that you've completely lost your sanity, daring to disrespect me in such a manner," he sneered with disdain.

In response to his remark, laughter erupted from within me like a tempestuous storm bellowing atop a mighty peak. If only he were aware of where my mouth had been just a few hours prior, he would understand the undeniable truth behind a fraction of his words.

"Is this Avery woman the reason for your insanity, Reese?"

"Nah, can't blame her for that. If anything, it would be your doing, Father, if she hadn't entered my life and saved me."

"If she's so amazing, then when is she coming back to work?" he sneered, his teeth clenched.

"If it were up to me, she would never set foot in this hellhole again. I can't bear the thought of you harassing her any longer. But to answer your question, she'll return after she has our child," I sighed.

"Why are you so determined to play the role of a father to a child that isn't yours, Reese?"

"I'm not playing, Daddy! I am the father of the baby Avery is carrying inside of her," I calmly stated, maintaining a gentle smile.

"Oh no, you won't be bringing any mixed-bred child into my home. I refuse to acknowledge that illegitimate bastard as my grandchild, Reese!"

My smile faded instantly, and before I could fully comprehend the situation, I found myself pinning my despicable father against the office door. His feet dangled helplessly above the ground as I locked eyes with him. "Don't you dare worry, father. You won't have to concern yourself with claiming my child as your grandchild," I growled, my nostrils flaring with anger.

"If you ever disrespect my family again, you won't be around long enough to repeat it. And I assure you, I intend to keep that promise. So go ahead, test me," I whispered menacingly into his ear, releasing him back onto his feet. I stood there for a few moments, silently hoping he would push his luck. The unmistakable fear in his eyes revealed itself clearly.

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