Chapter 9: In Hiding

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Sunday had become a day of seclusion for me, confined within the walls of my room, paralyzed by the fear of venturing outside. The mere thought of crossing paths with Reese sent shivers down my spine, for I dreaded the possibility of him recognizing me as the one he had shared a night with.

My nerves had been on a relentless roller coaster ride ever since I left him alone in that hotel bed. Brendan and Emily bombarded me with incessant calls, but I adamantly refused to engage with them. It was unfathomable to me how I had allowed myself to be persuaded into attending the masquerade ball, let alone donning that dress.

"How did I let myself end up in this predicament?" I questioned, the weight of regret heavy upon me. Simultaneously, a forceful pounding on my front door reverberated through the house, as if someone were attempting to break it down. A deep sigh escaped me as I peered through the small security hole, revealing Emily standing there, knocking with an urgency that mirrored that of the police. Leaning my back against the door, I contemplated whether I should grant her entry. I knew that eventually, I would have to face her, but I remained uncertain if today was the day I wanted to confront the truth.

"Avery, I know you're inside," her voice echoed through the door, filled with determination. "I'll keep banging on this door all night if I have to." Aware of her unwavering resolve, I reluctantly opened the door, not wanting my neighbors to involve the authorities and create a whole new set of complications.

"What do you want, Emily?" I asked, my tone laced with frustration.

"Why haven't you responded to any of Brendan's or my calls last night?" she inquired, her concern evident in her voice.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" I snapped, feeling my anger resurface with each step I took towards her.

"I am dead serious! Do you have any idea how worried we were about you when we couldn't reach you? We feared something terrible had happened to our closest friend."

"As you can see, I'm perfectly fine, so please leave and let me be!" I yelled, my voice filled with a mix of anger and desperation.

"Please, Avery, tell me what's wrong. You've never been this furious with me before," she pleaded, her voice tinged with sadness.

As I sensed the slight tremor in Emily's voice, guilt washed over me for causing her and Brendan such worry. It became clear to me that blaming them for something beyond their control was unjust. With a genuine smile on my face, I approached her slowly and enveloped her in a warm embrace. "I'm truly sorry for being moody this morning and for taking out my frustrations on you," I apologized sincerely, still holding her tightly.

"Is it that time of the month for you?" she asked, returning the hug.

"Yeah, you know how my mood swings can get when it's that time," I lied, hoping to alleviate her concerns.

"You're damn right I do, but for some reason, I can't shake the feeling that your outburst towards me goes beyond just your cycle, Avery. I sense that you're hiding something from me."

"I promise you, I'm not," I reassured her.

"Alright, if you say so. I'll let it go for now, but just know that I'll be keeping a close eye on you," she warned, her gaze unwavering.

The moment I settled down on the sofa next to Emily, she immediately launched into a detailed account of her night with the new guy she had left the masquerade ball with. Throughout our friendship, Emily had always been unbothered by casual encounters with strangers. Yet, a constant worry gnawed at me, fearing that one day she might make a dangerous choice in her pursuit of excitement. I couldn't bear the thought of losing my best friend due to her carefree nature.

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