Chapter 19: Pure Anger

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I'm thrilled to share this latest chapter with you, although I must admit, I'm a bit uncertain about it myself. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to me, so please don't hesitate to leave a comment and let me know your thoughts. Constructive criticism only serves to improve my work, so please feel free to express your honest opinions.

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Reese's POV

As Avery and I strolled towards the elevator, her exhaustion was impossible to ignore. The weariness etched on her face made me deeply regret my recent treatment of her. Today, she seemed like a mere shadow of her usual vibrant self. Instead of her customary warm smile and cheerful greeting, I was met with a forced grin and a somber welcome, intensifying my feelings of guilt.

I yearned to do something meaningful to bring a genuine smile to her face. I was even willing to sacrifice an important meeting to achieve this. Just as I was about to make that decision, a sudden realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. Standing before me, on the other side of the elevator door, was my own father.

Avery's presence seemed to diminish as she politely acknowledged my father's presence. It was as if she instinctively knew to retreat whenever he was around. Perhaps she, too, understood that he disapproved of my decision to choose her as my executive assistant over the numerous Korean women he had suggested.

While those women may have possessed beauty and artificial enhancements, Avery's qualifications far surpassed theirs. I wasn't seeking a plastic Barbie; I desired someone with intelligence and substance. And Avery had both, along with her captivating looks and graceful figure.

"Leave us!" My father barked at her, his voice dripping with anger.

My father's recent behavior had been testing my patience to its limits. I couldn't help but confront him, shielding Avery from his irrational outburst. "Is that how you speak to someone who works for our company, or rather, my company?" I challenged him, determined to defend her.

I had witnessed my father's explosive temper when things didn't go his way. He could become vicious towards anyone who failed to assert themselves or stand up to him. He had a tendency to trample over people, regardless of their relationship to him, even his own children. But I refused to stand idly by and allow him to treat Avery the same way.

"Boy, what did you just say to me?" I heard him say, struggling to maintain his composure both physically and mentally.

"You heard me loud and clear. If you have anything to say, say it in front of Avery," I asserted firmly, refusing to back down. He turned and walked away, but not before casting us a chilling, piercing stare. It was a look I had never seen in his eyes before, and to be honest, it sent shivers down my spine.

Suddenly, a soft sob reached my ears from behind. Avery pressed her head against my back, and I stood there, paralyzed, unsure of what was troubling her or how to offer comfort. The only instinctive response I had was to close the elevator doors, shielding her from prying eyes and giving her a moment of privacy. As the doors closed, I felt her small hand wrap around my waist, squeezing tightly as her cries grew louder and more uncontrollable.

A profound transformation occurred within me, as if a dormant part of my being awakened. My heart softened, and an overwhelming desire to shield Avery from any harm consumed me. These unfamiliar emotions took hold of my body, guiding my actions as I slowly turned around in her embrace. I hesitated to meet her gaze, afraid of what I might find within those eyes. Yet, when I finally mustered the courage to look, all I saw was an immense amount of pain and fear, overshadowing the usual brightness that radiated from her.

Gently wiping away the steady stream of tears cascading down her cheeks, was like a feeble attempt to mend a broken dam. In that moment, I cared not for the future or the world beyond. I would have given anything I possessed to alleviate her suffering. Witnessing her in such a state was unbearable, and I vowed to myself that I would do everything in my power to prevent her from experiencing this pain again.

"Is there anything I can do to help, Avery?" I found myself asking, my arms instinctively enveloping her delicate frame.

"Just hold me," she sniffled, gripping me tighter.

And that's precisely what I did. As I held her, a sense of gratitude washed over me, thanking whatever forces had brought us together in that moment. Despite my earlier resolve to shield her from pain, I couldn't deny the overwhelming comfort and rightness of having her in my arms. Her body fit seamlessly against mine, as if they were made to intertwine. Holding her so intimately felt natural, even though I knew she was vulnerable. In my mind, I justified it as providing solace for both her and myself.

As she reluctantly pulled away, it felt as though my body was experiencing withdrawal, aching for her presence. I observed her attempts to compose herself, but it was evident that she was struggling immensely. There was no way she could endure today's meeting without succumbing to another breakdown. As we approached her room, my attention was drawn to a pair of meticulously arranged bouquets of roses placed before her door. Once again, an unfamiliar sensation washed over me, leaving me uncertain of its nature.

Avery knelt down, picked up one of the bouquets and read the card attached to it. I witnessed a wave of terror wash over her, causing her to drop both the flowers and the card simultaneously, retreating towards me in fear.

"Hey, Avery, what's going on?" I inquire politely, my anxiety growing as I await her response. She trembles, her hands shaking as she wordlessly directs my attention towards the exquisite flowers resting on the floor. My heart sinks as I read the venomous words scrawled on the homemade card, sending a chill down my spine. The image of her vulnerable form lying in bed, while some twisted, perverted stranger watches her sleep, fills me with an indescribable rage. In that moment, I despised myself for not being able to protect her. The thought of an unknown intruder violating her safety while I peacefully slumber in the adjacent room consumes my mind. It becomes crystal clear that I can not leave her alone in that room, exposed to the whims of a deranged lunatic. Any notion of granting her a day off is swiftly overridden by my overwhelming instinct to shield her from harm.

"Reese, please," Avery insists, attempting to reassure me. "You don't have to worry. I'll be fine. Just go to your meeting."

I narrowed my eyes at her, not buying her feeble attempt to convince me. "Don't treat me like a fool, Avery. It's clear as day that you're not okay right now. How can you expect me to believe that you'll be fine when I'm not around?" I gently lift her chin with my finger, forcing her to meet my gaze. Silence hangs in the air, and I press on. "There's absolutely no way I'm willingly leaving you here alone." Gripping her arm tightly, I start walking away from her room, pulling her along with me.

As we wait for the elevator, Avery reaches up and gently turns my face towards hers, compelling me to meet her gaze. Her beautiful face holds a determined expression. "Reese, I promise you, I'll be fine. I'll even stay in your room if that will ease your worries. But I can't go into this meeting and pretend like everything is okay," she says, her tone filled with grim determination.

I despise the thought that she might be right, that she could possibly manage without me. "Now is not the time for you to worry about that, Reese. You need to focus on what's best for Avery," I scold myself, releasing a heavy sigh.

"The only way I'll let you out of my sight is if you promise to call me immediately if anything happens, no matter how small. And you must promise me that you won't open this door for anyone!" I assert firmly, my voice unwavering. It became clear to me that she was not in the right state of mind to focus on the meeting or handle my father's unpredictable outbursts.

"Okay, I promise," she replies, offering me a weak smile that tugs at my heartstrings. Doubts start to creep in, making me reconsider leaving her alone. "Go on to your meeting, I'll be fine," she urges, gently pushing me into the open elevator.

"Call me if you need me," I remind her before the elevator doors close, my concern lingering in the air.

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