Chapter 15: An Outraged Lunatic

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Avery's Pov

At this moment, I'd much rather tolerate Emily and Brendan than endure Reese and his unpredictable mood swings. Today has been an absolute rollercoaster. Suddenly, I find myself overwhelmed with emotions and easily irritated. Most of it is directed towards Reese, and it's as if a blazing fire ignites within me whenever he's around.

I feel like I'm on the verge of losing my sanity, especially when I catch other women shamelessly ogling him while he grins back at them.

Standing at the water's edge on the beach, I dipped my feet into the refreshing, crystal-clear water and gazed out across the vast expanse. The sunset unfolding before my eyes was one of the most breathtaking sights I've ever witnessed, second only to the sight of a completely naked Reese peacefully asleep in bed. Damn, even in his anger, he managed to exude an irresistible allure.

My reverie was abruptly interrupted by a gentle tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and recognized the familiar face of the man I had encountered earlier at the hotel's check-in counter.

As he stood there before me, I couldn't help but notice the charming dimples adorning his cheerful face. It was a detail I hadn't noticed earlier, probably because Reese had always been in the way, obstructing my view.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, beautiful," he greeted me, his smile stretching from ear to ear.

Returning the greeting, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of awkwardness. It was unusual for a stranger to compliment my appearance so openly. Don't get me wrong, I am aware of my own beauty, but I've always preferred to be recognized for my voice and thoughts rather than my physical appearance. My mind wandered, contemplating the complexities of perception and the importance of being heard rather than merely seen.

I'm not the type of woman who goes out of her way to look fabulous in order to catch a man's attention. It's not that I doubt my own attractiveness; rather, I'm accustomed to men overlooking the fact that I am a smart, intelligent, and unique individual who doesn't rely solely on her looks. I've achieved what I have in life, not just because of my physical appearance.

"I thought your boyfriend wouldn't let you out of his sight, the way he was hovering over you at the check-in counter," he remarked, raising an eyebrow.

I nearly choked on my own saliva upon realizing that he was referring to Reese. After a momentary recovery, I burst into laughter, unable to contain myself.

"Did I say something amusing?" he inquired, a hint of confusion in his voice. "By the way, I'm Chase," he quickly added.

Not quite ready to correct his assumption, I replied, "I'm Avery, and not really." In the distance, I spotted Reese storming towards me, his anger evident in his determined stride. It seemed like he was on a mission to unleash his fury on someone.

"Sorry, I have to go!" I shouted, swiftly turning on my heel and heading in the opposite direction, ignoring Reese's calls for me. Before I could comprehend what was happening, I found myself lifted off the ground by a pair of strong, muscular arms.

"Put me down!" I exclaimed, my words dripping with frustration.

"Avery, what the hell are you doing out here in those revealing shorts at this hour?" Reese demanded, his voice dangerously low.

"Excuse my language, but why the hell do you even care?" I shot back, attempting to wriggle myself free from his firm grip. The more I struggled, the tighter his hold became. And to make matters worse, my body started to react in ways it never had before, not until last Friday. The places where his hands touched me felt like they were on fire. "Are you going to release me, or do I have to scream until security shows up?" I challenged, locking eyes with him.

"You can do whatever the fuck you want, but you're not going anywhere until you answer my question," Reese responded, his expression daring and intense.

"Didn't you hear the lady?" I heard Chase's voice quiver from behind me. As Reese slowly lowered me to the ground, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. However, his hands remained firmly on my wrist, pulling me behind him as if I belonged to him.

"Oh, it's you again," Reese remarked, his voice dripping with annoyance. "Don't you have a damn job to do?" he questioned, glaring up at Chase.

I could practically feel the heat radiating off Reese as his anger continued to escalate with each passing moment.

"My job is to ensure the safety and security of all our guests," Chase replied calmly.

"Well, as you can clearly see with your own damn eyes, she's safe," Reese sneered. "So get lost before I do something we'll all regret."

"Ms. Avery, are you certain that you're alright?" Chase asked, his voice trembling with concern.

"I'm fine," I assured, attempting to project a confidence I didn't truly possess in that moment.

"Are you absolutely certain?" he inquired once more.

Putting on a forced smile, I maneuvered around Reese, hoping to alleviate his concerns. However, anxiety began to consume me as Reese's grip on my wrist tightened. Eventually, Chase turned and departed, leaving me alone with an increasingly infuriated Reese.

"Now, Avery, answer my damn question," Reese demanded.

Before I could even formulate a response, he hurled another unexpected question at me. "Did you wear those revealing shorts to come out here and see him, or perhaps to sleep with him?"

Summoning every ounce of strength, I managed to free my wrist from his grasp. "Screw you, Reese," I shouted, storming back towards the hotel and making my way to my room.

I silently pleaded for him to remain in the spot where I had left him. When have I ever been granted what I desired lately? I pondered as I stepped into the elevator, Reese closely tailing behind.

"I won't let you off the hook, Avery, until you give me an answer," Reese snapped.

"Not that it's any concern of yours, but yes, I yearned to be fuck him!" I retorted bitterly, providing him with the exact response he had already assumed. Exiting the elevator, I left him standing there, his mouth agape in astonishment.

I entered my room and swiftly locked the door, sinking down to the floor. Tears welled up in my eyes as I absorbed the sting of Reese's hurtful words. It was unimaginable to hear such slanderous remarks coming from the very person I had entrusted my virginity to. Granted, he only knew me within the confines of our professional relationship. I had never given him any reason to make such an absurd and baseless assumption about me.

I could hear him knocking on my door, but I adamantly refused to engage with him any further. Slowly, I made my way to the bed and lay down, seeking solace in the quietness as I attempted to clear my mind.

I am thrilled to share this chapter with all of you, as I had an absolute blast writing it. Poor Reese, he finds himself in a bewildering situation, completely unaware of what is unfolding around him.

I eagerly invite you all to comment and vote, sharing your thoughts on Reese and his behavior. I am particularly interested in hearing your opinions on my leading female character, Avery. In many stories, female characters are portrayed as weak, but that is not the case for Avery. I have intentionally crafted her to be a strong and dynamic character, and I would love to know your impressions.

This chapter is from Avery's point of view, offering a unique perspective on the unfolding events.

Thank you all for your continued support and engagement. Your comments and votes mean the world to me.

Warm regards,


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