Chapter 21: Pleasure

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Third Person Pov

I successfully convinced Sofia to join forces with me for our little scheme, emphasizing that teamwork was crucial for her to achieve her desires. As a result, she willingly entrusted me with Avery's room key card. Today has been a whirlwind as I've been consumed with setting my master plan into motion, leaving me with little opportunity to keep track of Avery's activities. The only respite I've had was indulging in memories of our time together last night.

{Flashback from yesterday}

Last night, my princess, I was sorely tempted to slip into bed with you. The allure of being enveloped by your tender embrace and exploring the depths of your slumbering form was overwhelming.

My desire surged as I witnessed the moonlight casting a radiant glow upon your supple figure, illuminating it with a mesmerizing sheen.

The strain became unbearable as I listened to your exotic moans and the name you called out in your sleep, a name that wasn't mine. In an instant, my once rigid dick became limp, leaving me feeling as if my heart had shattered into countless fragments. For a fleeting moment, I questioned your innocence.

"What does he possess that I lack?" I stood there, consumed by self-doubt. "Why can't you spare even a fraction of your attention for me?" I questioned, frustration seeping into my words. It couldn't be solely about wealth, as I, too, am a successful businessman. It must be his appearance. I'll admit, he is undeniably attractive, a feast for the eyes.

Suddenly, your moans grew more intense, accompanied by repeated cries of his name. I felt compelled to intervene to rouse you from this distressing nightmare for both my own sanity and your well-being. Just as I was about to reach out and touch your exposed, tender breast, your cell phone shattered the silence with its shrilling ring. Startled, I hastily retreated into the shadows, accidentally jostling the lamp on your nightstand, narrowly avoiding its crash onto the floor.

"Damn, that was a close call," I whispered to myself, observing you reach for the phone, then answer it without looking at the caller ID. My anger surged as I imagined Reese calling you at such an early hour. However, my assumptions were swiftly shattered when I realized that the person on the other end didn't even have the audacity to greet you with a simple hello.

I observed as you entered the bathroom, gracefully shedding your gown and stepping into the cascading shower. The sight of the steamy water caressing your exquisite form was truly captivating. My gaze traced every contour of your body, igniting a primal desire within me. I endeavored to etch every inch of your being into my memory.

"Damn it, Avery, my love," I silently lamented as my eyes leisurely traveled downward, beginning with your alluring lips. They beckoned to be captured between my own, yearning to be sucked into my hungry mouth. Next, my attention fixated on your enticing nipples, longing to taste their delicate peaks. Then, my gaze lingered on your irresistibly kissable derriere, a temptation I yearned to indulge in. Finally, my eyes locked onto your perfectly groomed femininity. My mouth watered, craving to savor the intoxicating sweetness of your essence, eagerly anticipating the chance to drink in every drop of your nectar.

I stood there, my hand moving feverishly over my throbbing cock, succumbing to the escalating pleasure. In my mind, I couldn't help but envision you straddling me, just as you had done with Reese. Avery, my love, you rode him with such skill and confidence, despite it being your first encounter with a man. I am aware of the impropriety in desiring you to replicate those actions with me. I must demonstrate to you the distinction between a mature, experienced man and an immature boy.

My climax approached rapidly, the intensity building as I continued to watch you. This time, it surpassed all the previous instances of observing you in your apartment. As waves of ecstasy washed over me, my release spilled onto the floor, a testament to the excitement that consumed me.

As you emerged from the shower, a sense of unease emanated from your demeanor, evident as you wrapped a towel around your trembling form. The fear in your eyes was undeniable, and it shattered my heart to witness your pain. I understood all too well what was causing your distress. I knew you would wrestle with the decision of reaching out to either your Auntie Katie or your best friend Emily. Ultimately, you would choose your aunt, as you had done in the past. I am intimately acquainted with every facet of your life, even the heartbreaking loss of your mother to breast cancer when you were just five years old. It was your Uncle Derek and Aunt Katie who took you in, raising you alongside their son, Daniel. You made your way towards the closet, concluding your conversation with your aunt. In moments like these, you always seemed to dress for work earlier than usual. 

"Damn it," I muttered under my breath as I noticed my blunder of leaving your bedroom window wide open. Panic resurfaced in your eyes as a chilly gust swept through the room, causing the curtains to dance wildly.

{Flashback concluded}

"What the hell is going on?" I seethed, my anger intensifying as I witnessed this fuck-tard, Reese, clutching onto my woman's hand possessively, dragging her along as if they were some kind of exclusive couple. What infuriated me the most was how Avery seemed to be surrendering to him without a fight, letting him stake a claim on her. I'll put an end to this nonsense, and she'll regret her actions today for making me look like a complete idiot. "Enjoy this moment while you can, because chaos is about to descend upon you all!" 

Greetings, lovely readers! I sincerely apologize for the brevity of my previous chapter. I truly hope that despite its length, it managed to captivate your attention and leave you yearning for more. 

I am immensely grateful to every one of you for providing me with valuable insights into what you adore about my characters. 

Once again, I kindly request your participation through voting and commenting. Until we meet again, take care, stay safe, and may the blessings of the divine be showered upon all of you.

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