Chapter 51: Ball of Nerves

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Avery's POV

1 hour before sudden death...

As the moment to meet Reese's family drew nearer, my anxiety grew, filling me with a sense of impending doom. Desperate for some solace, I reached out to both Emily and Brenden, hoping they could help ease my shattered nerves. Unfortunately, their attempts only seemed to exacerbate my unease.

"Are you absolutely certain you want to wear that?" Emily persisted, her finger repeatedly pointing at my chosen outfit.

In my eyes, my pencil-thin gray skirt and crisp white button-down blouse seemed perfectly suitable, paired with a sensible pair of black pumps. I turned to Brenden, seeking validation for my choice, but his face contorted with disgust, making his disapproval abundantly clear.

"I know you didnt expected me to be on board with these plain Jane clothes, did you?" Brendan's voice booms, followed by uncontrollable laughter from both him and Emily. He strides towards me, dropping to his knees and resting his firm hand on my swollen belly. "Little one, don't worry, your mom won't be dressing you like that," he declares confidently, speaking directly to my belly.

"I couldn't agree more," Emily finally joins in, circling around to my other side. I feel like their personal incubator, carrying their child instead of Reese's and mine.

"Auntie Emily and Uncle Brendan will rescue you from this disaster your mom has planned," Brendan declares, giving my belly one last gentle rub before receiving a swift kick and retracting his hand. "See, Avery, even the little peanut supports my idea," Brendan exclaims, triumphantly pumping his fist in the air.

"I hope you two don't expect me to sit around and let you transform my baby into your mini-me? Dealing with one of you is already a handful."

"I think it's a blessing that you have at least  one stylish friend to balance things out," Emily teases, sticking her tongue out at Brendan.

"Are we regressing to our toddler years?" I retort, playfully pushing Emily's hand away from my stomach at the same time a soft knock came to my bedroom door.

Reese stood confidently on the other side of the door, exuding an air of elegance in his pristine white button-down shirt and sleek black slacks. His shirt, casually half-tucked into his pants, revealed a glimpse of his chiseled chest through the unfastened buttons. My senses were instantly captivated by the sight, my mouth watering involuntarily. I couldn't help but visually devour him, scanning from his damp, tousled hair down to his impressive size twelve shoes. No other man could hold a candle to the magnetic charm emanating from this breathtaking figure.

"Hey, Avery, snap out of it," Emily whispered urgently, her voice pulling me back to reality. She swiftly took the two hefty packages from Reese's outstretched hand, her smile betraying a mysterious knowledge that eluded me.

As Reese planted a tender kiss on my cheek, a surge of longing coursed through me, urging me to chase after him. But it was an impossible feat. Emily and Brenden firmly grasped my arms, guiding me forcefully towards the bathroom, their determination evident.

Emily couldn't help but conceal her delight, though she attempted to mask it, as she dangled the garment bag teasingly close to my face. "Looks like you won't be donning that dreadful ensemble after all," she remarked, her voice betraying a hint of amusement.

I stood there, utterly captivated, as Emily unveiled the most exquisite dress I had ever laid eyes on, accompanied by a pair of stunning gold stilettos. Instantly, I fell in love with both pieces, but a wave of doubt washed over me. Would I even be able to squeeze my expanding belly into that dress? "Emily, I don't think I'll be able to fit into this dress with my... well, you know," I confessed, gesturing helplessly towards my protruding stomach.

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