Chapter 54: Doctors Visit

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Avery's POV

Lying on the table at Dalton's Medical Center, it felt as though it was my first time, despite having been here before. My legs and hands trembled uncontrollably, betraying the anxiety coursing through my veins. Beside me, Reese sat calmly in a chair, exuding an air of coolness that usually had a soothing effect on me. But today, his presence seemed to have the opposite effect.

As he attentively observed me, gently caressing my hands, the usual magic that calmed my nerves failed to work. Instead, my already sensitive nerves seemed to scatter in all directions, leaving my brain in a state of utter confusion. Today's meeting was already nerve-racking enough, and Dr. Burrows had spent the past few weeks trying to prepare me for the worst. Despite the positive reinforcement, my mind raced, anxiously awaiting the moment when everything would come crashing down beneath me.

Today's check-up held the weight of immense importance as it aimed to determine if the significant blood loss I experienced during my previous hospital visit had caused any complications for our unborn baby. The emotional turmoil I had endured since then only added further complexity to the situation. Overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty, tears welled up in my eyes, reflecting the depth of my apprehension. I dreaded the tragic news that Dr. Burrows might soon deliver.

In a tender voice, Reese reached out to me, his touch wiping away my tears as he whispered, "Avery, my love, everything is going to be alright. Trust me."

Attempting to voice my concerns, I began, "But what if..."

Reese gently interrupted, his words filled with unwavering assurance, "There are no 'what ifs,' Avery. I love you and our baby unconditionally, no matter what. I promise you, nothing in this world could ever change that."

Interrupting our conversation, Dr. Burrows entered the room and greeted us, "How is the beautiful mommy-to-be doing today?"

"Doc, she's absolutely terrified! It's been weeks of this constant fear," Reese blurted out before I could even respond. "I've been doing everything I can to keep her calm, but as each day passes, it's getting harder to convince her that everything will be alright."

Dr. Burrows interrupted our anxious thoughts, determined to put an end to our worries. I could hear her in the background, preparing herself with gloves and settling onto a stool beside me. She covered me with a sheet, lifting my shirt to expose my chest. A sudden chill ran through me as I felt a cold liquid on my belly. "Are you ready for this?" Dr. Burrows asked once more, her voice filled with both reassurance and uncertainty.

I nodded slowly, although every fiber of my being screamed a resounding "No!" In that moment, a deafening thump echoed in my ears, so loud that I mistook it for the sound of my own racing heart. I glanced at Reese, hoping he could hear it too, only to find tears streaming down his face like an unstoppable waterfall.

"Wow, sweetheart, your baby's heartbeat is incredibly strong," Dr. Burrows exclaimed, her smile widening. "Avery, your baby looks absolutely healthy. Take a look at the screen, dear, and see for yourself. Look, your baby has two little hands, tightly clenched into tiny fists, two legs, and all ten precious toes..."

Reese and I exchanged nervous glances when Dr. Burrows suddenly paused mid-sentence. "Is there something wrong, Dr. Burrows?" we asked anxiously, our voices filled with concern.

"Oh, no, nothing is wrong at all. In fact, I believe you two are in for a delightful surprise when I share this news with you," she replied, her tone filled with anticipation.

"What is it, Dr. Burrows?" Reese asked, his excitement barely contained as he tightly held onto my left hand.

"I want both of you to take a closer look at the screen and describe to me what you see," she said, pointing to the black and white ultrasound screen while gently maneuvering the handheld transducer device over my belly.

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