Chapter: 35: Taking Action

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CAUTION: This chapter might potentially unsettle a few readers, although it is not my intention to do so! I sincerely hope you enjoy this chapter and do not harbor any negative feelings towards my writing style. Please understand that my female protagonist is far from weak, but she cannot maintain her strength at all times. I kindly request you to vote and message me about your thoughts on this chapter. I am immensely grateful to all of you for your continued support in reading my story. I also apologize for the chapter's brevity, as it unexpectedly tapped into a darker side of me that I didn't know existed. It genuinely surprised me, to be frank.

Warm regards,

Unidentified Perspective.

It has been an agonizing three months since I last laid eyes on the enchanting Avery. She remains elusive, hidden away from me by that despicable Reese, who has taken up residence in her abode as if it were his damn kingdom.

I've enlisted someone to keep a constant watch on her dwelling, day and night. They report back to me whenever Avery dares to venture outside alone. It appears that Reese has her trapped there, shielding her and their wretched child from any potential harm.

Little does he know, no matter what measures he takes, nothing in this world will prevent me from eliminating that unborn child! I cannot allow anything to stand in the way of having Avery by my side, forever. To have a chance with her, any connection she has with him must be severed, regardless of the cost.

It's not as if he would even notice the absence of that child. Hell, he doesn't even have a clue that the little brat is his, to begin with. He's such a foolish, clueless idiot, so damn eager to dive headfirst into the responsibility of raising another man's offspring just for the sake of some sexual gratification. I, on the other hand, could never stoop to such levels of absurdity.

My heart raced with anticipation as I observed Avery's departure, finally leaving her alone. With cautious patience, I ensured that he wouldn't swiftly return before venturing towards my concealed sanctuary, shielded from prying eyes. For months, I had meticulously explored this hidden haven, unraveling its enigmatic secrets, until I stumbled upon the very thing I had been relentlessly seeking.

Deep within the building's basement, a clandestine staircase revealed itself, leading to the apartment adjacent to Avery's. This newfound passage granted me access to the balcony just beside hers, conveniently positioned near the narrow corridor leading to her bedroom. The knowledge of this extraordinary discovery was mine alone, as I had cunningly acquired this property under an assumed identity upon learning of her whereabouts. Standing outside her bedroom door, a surge of pride washed over me, knowing that I had outsmarted two of Prescott Security's most renowned bodyguards.

I had a strong intuition that she would be in her bathroom, indulging in her habitual shower. Like clockwork, she would follow this routine every day after finishing work around 7:30. As soon as she entered her home, she would kick off her shoes at the front door, make a beeline for the kitchen, and grab an apple and a refreshing beverage. Then, she would settle down in the spacious living room, eagerly tuning in to watch an episode of her beloved TV show, Riverdale. Afterward, she would make her way to her bedroom, gracefully tying her hair into a semi-loose ponytail atop her head.

The highlight of this sequence was when she undressed, standing before her bedroom vanity mirror, granting me the privilege of observing both her front and back simultaneously. My anticipation surged as I became captivated by the mere thought of witnessing Avery's immaculate, inviting skin up close, yearning to be savored by my eager mouth. I strained my ears, eagerly awaiting the faint sound of running water in the background of her shower.

Slowly and discreetly, I entered Avery's room, admiring the peaceful ambiance as I settled onto her bed, inhaling her intoxicating womanly scent. Approaching her dresser, I carefully retrieved a fresh garment, taking a moment to appreciate its softness before tucking it away in my pocket.

Standing at the entrance of her bathroom, I found myself captivated by the sight before me. Avery, in the midst of her pregnancy, tenderly applied soap to her blossoming breasts, their gentle curves accentuated by the steamy water. My admiration grew, and a longing to taste them emerged, but I resisted, knowing the importance of boundaries. My gaze traveled slowly down her body, appreciating each inch until it reached its intended destination, pausing with reverence. As she cleansed herself, I couldn't help but be mesmerized, her actions revealing vulnerability and sensuality. Overwhelmed by desire, I found solace in my own pleasure, discreetly attending to my needs. The intensity of witnessing her naked form heightened my longing, leading me to climax on her bathroom floor.

Silently, I retreated into the shadows of a dimly lit corner in her bedroom, my heart pounding with anticipation. Avery emerged from the shower, and my gaze fixated on her every move as she delicately dried herself off. A radiant smile adorned her face as she gently traced her growing baby bump. But an unexpected surge of anger consumed me, fearing that her attachment to this child would only bring her closer to Reese.

This had to end now, I resolved, observing her unknowingly stepping into a perilous situation as she returned to her room. With utmost caution, I approached her from behind, catching her completely off guard, and applied pressure to her carotid artery, depriving her lungs of oxygen. This technique was ingrained in me during my rigorous military combat training, yet it pained me to witness her convulsions. She fought desperately, struggling against my grip around her neck. Deep down, I held onto the belief that one day, she would understand the significance of this sacrifice, and perhaps even be grateful for it eternally.

My heart sank as her body went limp, collapsing to the floor with a resounding thud, ensuring my success. Tears welled up in my eyes as I stood there, gazing at the lifeless form before me, a twisted masterpiece of my creation. But soon, a wave of panic washed over me. Had I gone too far, just like with the countless girls before Avery? Doubt gnawed at my conscience as I crawled back out through the window, sealing it shut behind me.

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