Chapter 55: Finally

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Greetings once again, everyone. I return with another update, but I must preface it by stating that this chapter is intended for mature audiences only. In fact, this entire book is not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. I sincerely hope that both ladies and gentlemen find enjoyment in reading it. However, I must caution you that it contains explicit content and strong language. Your votes and comments are highly appreciated, as they will help me gauge your preferences and areas of improvement. I welcome all feedback.


Mr. Choi's Perspective

Today marks the moment when I reclaim what is rightfully mine. With unwavering determination, I stride into my son's home unannounced, just as I have done countless times before. Margaret and Ingrid, well aware of my audacious nature, wisely choose to remain silent about my sudden intrusion.

Especially Margaret, with her intrusive and self-righteous demeanor. Throughout all the years she's been taking care of my son, I've never once warmed up to that nosy woman. There's always been this unsettling glare in her eyes whenever I return to my own home late at night.

At times, it felt as though she possessed some uncanny knowledge of my late-night activities. I yearned for the day when she would dare to challenge me. Another reason why I couldn't stand Margaret and Ingrid was their excessive coddling of Reese, along with my oblivious wife.

Despite my clear disapproval, my wife foolishly allowed them to disregard my direct commands. If it weren't for her owning half of the company, I would have rid myself of her insubordinate skinny ass years ago.

Let me clarify, I have grown to genuinely love my wife, despite the circumstances that led to our union. It was an arranged marriage, orchestrated by our parents in the name of merging our families for the benefit of our respective companies. They believed it was a strategic move, and in some ways, they were right. However, deep in my heart, I longed for someone else.

Natalie Lockhart, a stunning woman with a beautiful dark complexion, had captured my heart. We met and fell in love during our time at a prestigious college in the United States. She was not only my first love but also my best friend. However, I knew all too well that my parents would never accept her. Despite her parents' high-ranking status and prominence in the United States, her skin color overshadowed everything else. I found the radiance of black women's skin to be captivating, like a shimmering light drawing me towards them.

"Did I inquire about my son's whereabouts?" I retorted sharply, growing increasingly irritated that this insolent individual had the audacity to meet my gaze without flinching.

"No, you didn't. But it is my duty to protect the misses, regardless of who you may be," he responded firmly, exuding an air of authority.

"Is there a problem here, Mathew?" Another robust bodyguard interjected, entering the room with a display of his muscular physique.

"Only if he makes it one, August," Mathew replied, locking eyes with me once again.

"I need to speak with my... my... esteemed daughter-in-law," I managed to utter with great difficulty, the words feeling like bitter bile in my throat.

"Can't this wait until your son returns?" August questioned bluntly, raising an eyebrow and adopting a dismissive, don't-mess-with-me demeanor.

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