Chapter 39: Emotional Distress

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Reese's POV

The emotions swirling within me were indescribable. I stood there, witnessing Avery's body convulsing and thrashing with an intensity fueled by her mounting anger toward me. "Why am I incapable of thinking before I act or speak foolishly whenever she's around?" I pondered, as I was forcefully pushed out of the room once again. My world shattered beneath me when I caught a distant voice exclaiming, "We're losing her, doctor," just before the door sealed shut.

Scanning the waiting room, I recognized numerous faces, including the only two individuals I had no patience for. "Why on earth are you both still here?" I demanded, locking eyes with my father. "Don't even bother answering because it's utterly irrelevant at this moment," I shouted, surrendering with a frustrated gesture of my hands.

"Reese?" I hear Mom's voice, soft and gentle, calling out to me.

"Yes," I replied, my gaze fixed on the ground, not wanting her to witness the turmoil within me. The weight of the world seemed to be heaping everything it had onto my shoulders. Despite the chaos surrounding me, I refused to crumble, especially in front of my father.

"Don't let your father's words affect you. Right now, your focus should be on taking care of Avery. Nothing else matters," my mom said, embracing me tightly.

"Mom's right, Reese," Kyane chimed in, giving my shoulder a reassuring pat. "I can't wait to meet the girl who has inspired you to stand up to Dad. She's special, and I already like her."

"Thanks, bro, for being there for me," I whispered gratefully.

"Isn't that what family is supposed to do when you're going through a tough time?" he inquired, a gentle smile spreading across his face. "Now, let me offer you support in other ways that Avery will appreciate when she wakes up."

"And what other kind of support could you possibly provide?" I asked hesitantly.

"Allow me to give you some advice, little brother."

"Alright, I'm listening."

"Please tidy up your appearance before she sees you!" he responded quickly.

"What's wrong with how I look?" I questioned, glancing between him and Mom.

"I hate to break it to you, but you look like death warmed over twice bro!" Kyane said, his face contorting with concern.

Kyane has always been the carefree and optimistic one in the family, never afraid to speak his mind regardless of the situation. He has also always been fiercely protective of me.

"I will," I replied, a sigh escaping my lips.

"Have you reached out to Avery's parents?" Mom asked, her tone growing more serious.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath. "I completely forgot about her family. How am I going to face her father after I promised him I would protect his daughter?" I continued to ponder this question, my mind racing for answers.

"Just be honest with him, son. That's all you can do in a situation like this. I'm sure her father would understand," my mom advised, trying to comfort me.

A nervous fit of laughter burst from my lips and tears streaming down my face, as I stood there realizing I couldn't possibly reveal the truth I knew to him. How was I going to explain to Mr. Johnson that I was selfishly pursuing my own desires while someone invaded Avery's home and harmed her? "I can't, mom! If you knew the whole truth, you'd probably want to strangle me yourself. Now imagine what Avery's father would do to me," I confessed, my voice trembling.

Before I could protest any further, Tyler snatched my phone from my hand and stormed out of the hospital. "I'll call them," he declared, determination in his eyes. "I never knew you could be such a coward, Reese," he shouted back at me, disappearing into the distance.

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