Chapter 48: Mines

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I would like to kindly remind everyone that this chapter contains content intended for mature audiences only. If you are under the age of 18, I kindly ask that you refrain from reading further.

Hello once again, everyone. I am thrilled to be back with another update. Brace yourselves, as this chapter is bound to leave you captivated and yearning for more. So, sit back, relax, and prepare for an exhilarating journey.

Now, let's dive into Reese's perspective...

As I stepped into my bedroom, preparing to make my way to the bathroom, I began to unbutton my shirt. But in that fleeting moment, a subtle movement caught my attention from the corner of my eye. My stride came to an abrupt halt as I turned slowly, my gaze fixated on the woman who had left me feeling utterly disoriented and perplexed. There she lay, Avery, peacefully asleep in my bed, bathed in the soft glow of the bedside lamp that delicately illuminated her flawlessly chiseled features.

Yet, there was something about her presence that both enthralled and tormented me. Her leg dangled effortlessly off the edge of the bed, exposed and vulnerable, with nothing to shield it from my longing gaze. I couldn't resist the urge to reach out, my hand hovering tentatively beside her, as I sat there, utterly captivated by her ethereal beauty. Every contour of Avery's face, every intricate detail, I etched into the depths of my memory, determined to preserve the essence of her being.

With utmost tenderness, I brought her left hand closer to my lips, planting a series of gentle kisses upon each finger, cherishing the delicate connection between us. Gradually, I lifted her leg, cradling it with utmost care, and tucked it beneath the comforting embrace of the covers. As I rose to my feet, my gaze lingering upon her serene form, I turned away, resuming my journey towards the bathroom, my heart heavy with a mixture of longing and uncertainty.

As I took my first step forward, a force yanked at my hand, abruptly halting my progress. Panic surged through me, causing my heart to pound relentlessly within my chest as if it yearned to break free. My palms were soaking wet as if I had been drenched in sweat for hours, though mere minutes had passed. Moments ago, they were as dry as a desert on a scorching day.

With the sluggishness of a turtle, I pivoted, attempting to steady my nerves before daring to meet Avery's gaze. Unprepared, I was met with an intense, unmistakable glimmer of desire shimmering within Avery's eyes. It felt as though that gaze was penetrating the depths of my own burgeoning longing.

My mouth watered, and for once, words eluded me entirely. The only coherent thought that managed to surface amidst the chaos was a desperate plea, "Please, someone, show me mercy."

I gave myself a sharp pinch, a reality check to ensure I hadn't conjured up another delusion. The pain that shot through me confirmed this was no dream. I was in a state of delirium, for there lay Avery before me, completely exposed and radiating a glow that outshone the sun.

The desire emanating from her eyes was scorching, igniting a fire within me. It was as if a match had been struck, threatening to engulf the entire room in flames. The magnetic pull between us created sparks that danced, drawing us irresistibly closer.

"Reese, my love, come to me," Avery whispered, her voice filled with passion, just as she had earlier. But this time, everything felt different, new, and exhilarating, devoid of any impending doom or dread. I watched, mesmerized, as drool escaped my mouth, landing on the plush carpet, while Avery tantalizingly teased her nipple, moaning with pure pleasure in her voice.

Her right hand remained firmly clasped with mine, her grip leaving imprints on my palm. With her other hand, she provocatively caressed her nipples, a daring challenge in her eyes urging me not to avert my gaze.

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