Chapter 18: Emotions

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Avery's POV

Abruptly jolted from a tantalizing dream, my mind struggled to shake off the remnants of desire that clung to my senses. My parched mouth and slightly scratchy throat served as a reminder of the intensity that had consumed me. "Seems like that dream had a grip on me," I mused, my thoughts echoing in the silence of the room. However, my tranquility was shattered by the incessant ringing of my cell phone, an unwelcome intrusion that threatened to erase the lingering traces of pleasure.

Casting a disgruntled glance towards the source of the disturbance, I squinted at the glowing screen, revealing the ungodly hour of "2:15 in the morning." A groan escaped my lips, a testament to my frustration at being robbed of precious sleep. Reluctantly, I reached out to the right side of the bed, my hand blindly searching for the intrusive device. Finally grasping it, I brought it to my ear, not bothering to glance at the caller ID. The only sound that greeted me was the heavy breathing of an unknown presence on the other end of the line.

My sanity had been tested by these relentless, deranged phone calls that had plagued me for weeks. Despite my efforts to escape their clutches by changing my number, the torment persisted. This marked the third time in a mere two months that I had been forced to take such drastic measures. It was a vicious cycle that had haunted me for years, with the frequency of number changes increasing from every six months to every eight or nine months. But now, the calls had intensified, growing more frequent and lingering in eerie silence for longer durations. The unsettling silence had given way to something far more sinister - the sound of a chilling breath on the other end of the line. It was enough to send shivers down my spine, amplifying the fear that had already taken root within me.

Initially, I had dismissed these calls as a cruel prank orchestrated by Emily and Brendan, my mischievous friends who enjoyed playing tricks on me. But my assumptions were shattered when the twisted, perverted called me during a night when both Emily and Brendan had stayed over at my house. The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning, intensifying the creeping unease that had already consumed me.

As I lay in bed, my desire to roll back over and slip into slumber was abruptly interrupted by a cacophony of crashing sounds and raised voices emanating from the adjacent room. Instinctively, I recognized one of the voices as belonging to Reese, as he unleashed a torrent of explicit and vibrant language.

Yet, amidst Reese's outburst, another voice emerged, similar yet distinct from his. It possessed a certain edge, a tone that hinted at edgier and sounded older. Hoping to drown out the commotion and return to the realm of dreams, I shut my eyes tightly. The noise next door gradually subsided, almost fading into oblivion, lulling me back towards sleep. However, my eyes snapped open once more as the resounding slam of a door reverberated through the air.

A contented grin spread across my face as Reese's familiar string of expletives filled the air, showcasing his newfound mastery of colorful language. I could almost envision the scowl etched upon his features, his frustration evident as he tugged at his hair. "Oh, how I longed to run my fingers through those locks once more," I whispered to myself, a hint of longing in my voice.

However, my reverie was abruptly interrupted as I felt a sudden dampness between my thighs, a reminder of the intense arousal that had consumed me. Startled, I swiftly leaped out of bed, realizing that my panties had become soaked once again from the mere thought of Reese. Seeking solace and a means to regain composure, I sought refuge in the soothing embrace of the shower. As the water cascaded over my body, I diligently scrubbed away the impure thoughts that had plagued my mind, attempting to restore a sense of calm.

Yet, as I lathered soap upon my skin, my attention was drawn to the unexpected sensations emanating from my breasts. They felt heavy, tender, and swollen, causing a wave of concern to wash over me. Succumbing to my innate tendency to worry, I found myself spiraling into a state of panic, frantically self-diagnosing and conjuring up worst-case scenarios in my mind.

Dripping wet, I hastily stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my shivering form before making a beeline for my cell phone resting on the nightstand. In this moment of uncertainty, there were only two individuals I knew I could reach out to without hesitation - my aunt Katie and Emily. However, I decided against dialing Emily's number, aware that her reaction would likely surpass even my own level of distress.

With trembling fingers, I dialed Aunt Katie's number, my heart pounding in my chest as I awaited her response. "Avery, why are you awake at this time of morning?" Aunt Katie's voice carried a note of concern, evident even through the phone.

"Can't I simply be missing my dear mother, being so far away from home?" I attempted to sound composed, masking the turmoil that churned within me.

"Young lady, I've been your guardian for how many years now?" Aunt Katie's tone brooked no argument, not even allowing me a chance to respond. "You only refer to me as 'mom' when something is truly troubling you. Now, tell me what's going on."

Emotion overwhelmed me, tears streaming down my face as I blurted out the words that had been weighing heavily on my heart. "Auntie Katie, I fear that I might be experiencing the same illness as my mother." The admission escaped my lips, unleashing a flood of tears that cascaded down my cheeks, staining the pristine floors below.

"Avery, there's no need for you to worry about that. You know the likelihood of such a thing happening is incredibly slim," Auntie Katie's voice carried a soothing reassurance.

"But Auntie, I can't shake off these strange symptoms that have begun to manifest," I confessed, my voice trembling as I sank down onto the edge of my bed.

"I want you to call your doctor first thing in the morning and schedule an urgent appointment," Aunt Katie instructed, her voice filled with warmth and maternal concern. "Let's not allow worry to consume you while you're away from home, my sweet. We will face whatever you're going through as a family, and everything will be alright."

"Thank you, Auntie Katie. You always have a way of comforting me and keeping me grounded. I truly don't know what I would do without you," I expressed, gratitude lacing my words.

"Your Uncle Derrick and I love you unconditionally, and we will always be here, right by your side," she reassured me before bidding me farewell. With Aunt Katie's unwavering support and love, I felt a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty that lay ahead.

Following Auntie Katie's advice, I made a conscious effort to maintain a positive mindset. With a newfound determination, I strolled leisurely towards the closet, ready to face the day ahead. Retrieving my go-to ensemble, I carefully selected a knee-length blue skirt, pairing it with a crisp white button-down blouse crafted from delicate silk. Completing the look, I opted for black sheer stockings, adding a touch of elegance to my attire.

As I made my way back into the bedroom, a sudden gust of cold air swept through the room, causing a shiver to run down my spine. Instinctively, I tightened the towel around my still slightly damp body, seeking warmth and comfort amidst the chill.

Perplexed, I scanned the room, my eyes darting from corner to corner in search of the source of the sudden breeze. Just as I was about to abandon my quest, another cool gust swept through, causing the window curtain to flutter back and forth. Frozen in place, I racked my memory, attempting to recall if I had left the window open, but no recollection surfaced. A sense of unease washed over me as the fine hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, heightening my alarm.

With a determined resolve, I swiftly closed the window, ensuring that it was securely shut. Still on edge, I meticulously examined my surroundings, searching for any signs of disturbance or anything that appeared out of place. Finding nothing amiss, I took a deep breath, attempting to calm my racing thoughts. I reminded myself to focus on the task at hand - preparing for today's important meeting.

Pushing aside the lingering sense of unease, I resumed my preparations, determined not to let the mysterious breeze derail my plans for the day.

Once again I'm sorry for the long delay, and I hope you continue to read my story and comment and vote.

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