Chapter 24: Protection

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Reese's POV:

The electrifying kiss Avery planted on my lips nearly sent my heart into overdrive. Even hours later, my body still burned with the intensity of that moment.

Little did I anticipate the consequences when I attempted to rebuff Sofia's advances. Let me be clear, Sofia is undeniably stunning, but it is my sweet and seductive secretary, Avery, who has taken hold of my thoughts and actions. I have always recognized Avery's beauty, yet I have steadfastly refused to entertain the notion of crossing that forbidden line between us.

As I paced before the imposing barrier that stood between us, I couldn't help but wonder, "How on earth am I going to navigate this newfound desire for Avery? How can I possibly maintain our close working relationship without ever crossing that line again?"

The expansive hotel room suddenly felt stifling, as if it could barely contain the both of us. The temptation to rouse her from her slumber and pursue what I had unintentionally set in motion was almost unbearable. Yet, the voice of reason prevailed over the desires that stirred within me.

Seated on the edge of the opulent bed, I observed her peaceful form, her leg gracefully dangling over the side. Instinctively, I reached out to tuck it beneath the covers, but in that moment, I realized my grave mistake. Instead of simply completing the task and retreating, I found myself tenderly caressing her velvety thigh. I was well aware that I was tormenting myself, yet I couldn't resist the pull. My hands froze in mid-air as Avery's voice uttered my name, sending a jolt of both anticipation and trepidation coursing through me.

"Caress me there, my love. Right there," she whispered, her voice filled with desire. "Please, don't ever stop," she pleaded, her grip on the sheets tightening. I stood there, captivated by the sight of her lost in a passionate dream about me. She shifted on the bed, parting her legs further and her moans grew louder.

Conflicting emotions swirled within me. Should I feel elated that she was dreaming of me in such a romantic way? Or should I be frustrated that the dream me was experiencing pleasures that I longed to give her in reality? As the seconds passed, her cries of my name intensified, fueling a mix of excitement and jealousy within me.

"Damn it," I muttered under my breath as the sound of her ringing cell phone abruptly interrupted the moment.

As I glanced at my watch, the late hour struck me with disbelief. "Who in the world would dare to contact her at this ungodly hour?" I muttered, careful not to invade her personal space any further. Resisting the urge to answer the call, I allowed it to persist, its shrill ring echoing through the room. Seeking respite from my impure thoughts, I stepped out onto the balcony, hoping to find solace in the night.

Lost in contemplation, I fixated my gaze on the distant horizon, attempting to clear my mind of the forbidden desires that plagued me. Suddenly, her voice pierced the silence, answering the persistent call on its second ring. "Hello?" she responded, her tone tinged with annoyance. "Is anyone there?" Avery questioned, her patience wearing thin.

Intrigued, I returned to the room, silently observing her as she engaged in a one-sided conversation. A shiver ran down my spine, and a prickling sensation crawled across my skin as I witnessed her hurl the phone to the floor, shattering it into countless irreparable pieces.
Concern flooded my voice as I witnessed her tears and uncontrollable trembling. "What's wrong?" I gently inquired, hoping to offer some comfort in her distress.

Her voice barely audible, she whispered, "I don't know how much more of this I can take."

My heart ached at her words, and I leaned in closer, patiently waiting for her to share her burden. But silence hung heavy in the air, as she seemed lost in her thoughts. "Please, Avery, talk to me," I pleaded, pulling her into my embrace, attempting to provide solace in any way I could.

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