Chapter 30: Masked Rage

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Greetings, everyone! It's your friendly neighborhood writer back in action. I'm thrilled to bring you another exciting update.

First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to every one of you who has taken the time to read, vote, and share your thoughts on my story. Your support means the world to me and fuels my passion to keep creating.

Let's talk about Reese's mother for a moment. She plays a pivotal role in shaping the man we've all grown to love. However, it's not just his fiery and captivating personality that we adore. There's a softer side to him, a vulnerable and imperfect side that he navigates in his own unique way.

I invite you all to continue joining us on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery between two contrasting individuals. Your votes and comments are invaluable, so please keep them coming.

Until we meet again, stay safe and take care.

Warm regards,


Reese's POV...

It felt like a mere blink of an eye had passed since I dozed off, but the reality was that I had been lost in slumber for a solid two hours. Exhaustion had taken its toll on me these past few days, leaving me running on empty. This was the longest stretch of sleep I had managed since Avery arrived in our lives. It seemed as if my body had finally surrendered to the need for rest, forcing me into a deep slumber.

Today marked the third day since Avery last stirred. I had been fervently praying for a miracle, hoping against hope that those enchanting eyes of hers would flutter open. Yet, my pleas remained unanswered.

"Why hasn't she woken up yet, Dr. Palmer?" I had been posing the same question to her repeatedly, day after day.

"I can assure you, Mr. Choi, there is no medical impediment preventing your wife from regaining consciousness," she responded. I desperately wanted to believe her words, to trust that there was nothing physically wrong with Avery. But my mind refused to accept that she simply wasn't ready to return to us just yet.

"Baby, it's time to open up those beautiful eyes of yours. Both I and your little one need you," I pleaded with Avery. The gazes from others made it clear that they thought I had gone insane, and truth be told, I couldn't entirely argue with them. Each passing second that she remained still in that bed pushed me further away from the realm of sanity.

The stares from strangers had become a familiar sight, but what I couldn't become accustomed to was witnessing someone other than my mother showering me with affection.

Flashback started two days ago.

As I stood before Avery's parents, masquerading as her husband, my breath grew heavy and strained. I silently pleaded with the universe that Dr. Palmer would refrain from addressing me as such in their presence. The atmosphere seemed to constrict around me, as if all the air had been sucked out of the room when Dr. Palmer uttered those fateful words, "I'll check back in on your wife later on today." At that moment, I could feel the piercing gaze of Avery's parents, their eyes filled with bewilderment, as if they were silently questioning my true identity. The immense relief that washed over me, knowing they had chosen not to expose my deceit in front of Dr. Palmer, cannot be adequately expressed in words.

Suddenly, a sharp gasp escaped Mrs. Johnson's lips, her eyes fixated on Avery's motionless figure lying in the hospital bed, which seemed to engulf her delicate frame. Avery's father instinctively wrapped his arm around his wife, providing support as her body trembled with overwhelming emotions.

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