Chapter 56: Breaking Point

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Greetings, dear friends! I wanted to take a moment out of our busy lives to express my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for embarking on this exhilarating yet exhausting journey alongside me. Your unwavering support throughout my creative writing adventure has truly been a blessing. I am immensely grateful for the valuable feedback you have provided, which has helped shape this book into what it is today. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for your votes and comments.

As we approach the grand finale, I am filled with a mix of excitement and nostalgia. The upcoming chapter will mark the end of this incredible tale. I sincerely hope that you all find joy and satisfaction in its conclusion. Your genuine thoughts and feelings about this final chapter mean the world to me, so please do not hesitate to share them.

There is a possibility that I may release the last chapter today, but let's keep our fingers crossed and see what unfolds. Until then, stay safe, and may blessings be showered upon every one of you. I eagerly await our next encounter. Remember to vote and comment!

Warm regards,


Now, let's delve into Reese's perspective.

A heavy, ominous cloud loomed above me, casting a shadow of unease that clung to my every step. No matter what I did, I couldn't shake off this gnawing feeling that consumed my very being. Restlessly, I found myself seated at a colossal oval conference table in a room sealed off from the outside world. As I sat there, my mind wandered, plagued by unsettling thoughts about Avery's safety.

These thoughts consumed me, distracting me from the meeting I had with Mr. Nicholas Alabaster. My mind was a whirlwind, unable to focus on anything for more than a fleeting moment. Thankfully, my mother was there beside me, offering her unwavering support. She stepped in, answering questions that I struggled to comprehend, providing a lifeline amidst the chaos in my mind.

Mr. Nicholas Alabaster, a shrewd and astute businessman, commanded my utmost respect and admiration. His impeccable business ethics were a stark contrast to my father's approach. Unlike my father, Mr. Alabaster possessed the remarkable ability to maintain strong family relationships while excelling in the business world. He was a force to be reckoned with, unyielding and determined, yet his kindness and love for his family shone through. He possessed the rare talent of separating work from his personal life, a skill my father sorely lacked.

With a neatly groomed beard adorned with strands of distinguished gray hair, Mr. Alabaster exuded warmth and kindness. He was the antithesis of my father, a man I had always questioned due to his association with Mr. Alabaster. However, my doubts were shattered one fateful day when I witnessed firsthand how my father treated him in private. It became clear that my father despised Mr. Alabaster for his continued success without resorting to ruthless and unsympathetic tactics.

Flashback started:

"Nick, if you want to make it in this cutthroat world, you've got to toughen up!" My father's voice echoed through the room, filled with anger, as soon as everyone else stepped out of the soundproof office.

"Not everyone believes in ruling their business with an iron fist, my friend. I don't want to run my company like you do yours. I want my employees to respect me genuinely, not out of fear and intimidation."

"You know what, Nick? I always thought you were a bit of a scaredy-cat, but I never imagined you to be a complete coward. Now I understand why your wife wears the pants in this relationship."

"Maybe you should let your amazing wife take charge sometimes, then maybe you'd experience some real excitement in the bedroom, my friend!" Mr. Alabaster retorted, his words laced with a hint of sarcasm.

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