Chapter 23: Jealousy

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Greetings once again, my cherished readers! Brace yourselves for an enthralling chapter that unveils the multifaceted nature of Reese, showcasing both his compassionate and serious sides.

Prepare for a literary treat, as this chapter has undergone a remarkable transformation. I delved deep into its core, meticulously reimagining every aspect. With great care, I infused it with fresh details and rectified any lingering errors. The original rendition spanned a mere 1,600 words, but my extensive rewrite has expanded it to well over 3,700 words, and that's excluding this delightful little addition. Rest assured, the essence of the original plot remains intact, yet this revised version promises a far superior and immensely gratifying reading experience.

Dear friends, I must confess that I derived immense pleasure from crafting the dynamic interplay between my two central characters in this particular chapter. It is my sincerest hope that the joy I experienced while penning these scenes will be mirrored in your own reading experience.

Your feedback is of utmost importance to me, and I kindly request your participation in voting and commenting on the aspects you find appealing or perhaps less so in this fresh rendition. Your insights will undoubtedly guide me in my future endeavors.

As we navigate these uncertain times, I implore you to prioritize your safety and well-being. May you remain blessed until we meet again.

Warm regards,


Avery's POV

Feeling uneasy about being alone in Reese's room, I made the decision to join him in the meeting for both our sakes. As I patiently waited for the elevator to arrive, Chase, with a standoffish demeanor, approached me and greeted me politely, "Good morning, Ms. Johnson."

A pang of sympathy for Chase struck me. Reese had clearly instilled such fear in him that he couldn't even meet my gaze properly. Despite this, I couldn't help but feel a fondness for Chase, as our previous conversations had been enjoyable.

Curiosity piqued, Chase inquired, "Where are you headed so early this morning?"

Hesitant, I replied, "To the hotel conference room."

Cautiously, Chase began scanning our surroundings as if assessing the safety of being near me. Not spotting Reese, he mustered up the courage to ask, his voice trembling, "Would you mind if I walked with you, just for a little while?"

"Um... Okay, I guess," I reluctantly responded. Deep down, I couldn't help but worry about his safety as well. It seemed like Reese had a knack for appearing whenever Chase was nearby, and that alone was enough to send shivers down my spine.

One of the reasons I agreed to let Chase accompany me was because I dreaded being alone. I constantly felt like someone was covertly observing my every move. When I recalled yesterday's encounter between Chase and Reese, where Chase was visibly trembling just from a brief exchange of words, I immediately discarded Chase as the culprit. Even now, as he stood before me, he seemed petrified that Reese would suddenly materialize out of thin air.

We proceeded towards the elevator in complete silence, which suited me just fine. I was too preoccupied with scanning my surroundings and mentally noting every person who passed us by.

"What floor?" he inquired, turning towards me as we stepped into the elevator.

"The eighth floor." I reply, leaning my back against the wall, my eyes fixated on the cold steel-framed door.

"Where's your intimidating boyfriend today?" he inquired, turning towards me.

I hesitated, contemplating whether to clarify that Reese wasn't actually my boyfriend. "He's at a business meeting, and I'm heading down to meet him," I found myself saying, unsure of why I felt the need to disclose this information. It slipped out effortlessly, like butter melting on a warm surface.

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