Chapter 31: Awaken

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Greetings, my wonderful community of readers and fellow authors! I can almost hear your enthusiastic thoughts, "Oh, another update!" Trust me, I felt the same way as I wrapped up this chapter. It was a bit of a challenge to decide how I wanted to unfold the events, constantly tweaking the dialogue until I found the perfect fit. I truly hope that you all enjoy the direction I've chosen.

Your engagement means the world to me, so please don't hesitate to vote, comment, and share your thoughts. Your feedback is invaluable. I genuinely appreciate each and every one of you, and until we meet again, stay safe and may you be blessed by the divine.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Now, let's dive into Avery's perspective...

As if sealed shut by an invisible adhesive, my eyelids weighed heavily upon me. The arduous task of prying them open proved futile, for the intrusive rays of sunlight pierced through, instantly compelling me to shut them once more. A searing sensation ignited behind my closed eyelids, as if tiny flames danced within.

With utmost care, I attempted to part my lids once more, this time granting my eyes the opportunity to acclimate to the luminous world that enveloped me.

Gone was the world I once knew, brimming with cheer and warmth. In its place, a haunting sense of dread and fear took root within me. The unknown loomed ominously, casting a shadow over every passing minute, leaving me uncertain if my very existence teetered on the precipice of grave danger. This unfamiliar sensation began to seep into the depths of my soul, ensnaring me in a desolate prison of despair.

Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over, as my brain pleaded for respite. I was utterly ill-equipped to contain the torrent of emotional distress that surged within me, a direct consequence of the chaos that the world relentlessly hurled my way. Surrendering to the weight of it all, I relinquished control, allowing my pent-up emotions to surge forth. Tears cascaded down my face, mingling with the anguish that consumed me, while a high-pitched, thunderous scream erupted from my quivering lips.

The pressure in my head mounted with alarming speed, intensifying into a searing pain that gripped my senses. Amidst the tumult, I faintly registered the sound of shuffling nearby, accompanied by a persistent, rapid beeping noise.

"Mrs. Choi, I implore you to gather yourself," a voice, brimming with urgency and genuine concern, pleaded with me. My thoughts swirled in a whirlwind of bewilderment as I tried to comprehend why this woman was referring to me as Mrs. Choi instead of Johnson. "Perhaps she has mistaken me for someone else," I reasoned, a faint smile tugging at the corners of my lips. However, as the realization of my surroundings dawned upon me, a profound sense of dread washed over, triggering an uncontrollable spiral of panic that gripped my very being.

"In this state of distress, your precious baby's well-being hangs precariously in the balance," she whispered, her voice gentle and soothing.

As the resonating words escaped the lips of an elegant, statuesque Latina lady, time itself seemed to freeze, leaving me in a bewildered state of disbelief. My thoughts raced, desperately grappling with the shocking revelation that had just been uttered. The mere notion of being pregnant felt inconceivable, as if my mind vehemently rejected the very possibility. It felt like a heartless prank, a twisted jest orchestrated by an unknown assailant, determined to toy with my emotions.

"Mrs. Choi, did any of my words reach your ears? Your baby's welfare hinges on your ability to calm down," she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. Once again, she referred to me as Mrs. Choi, a name that did not belong to me, while deceit flowed effortlessly from her alluring, painted lips. Unable to refute her falsehoods, I remained motionless, forced to endure the relentless repetition of her deceitful claims, each iteration laced with mounting urgency.

At the breaking point, my heart and mind revolted against the torment of her twisted charade. "Liar!" I erupted, my voice filled with indignation. "There is absolutely no way, in any realm of existence, that I could be pregnant. Countless doctors have assured me, time and time again, that conception and carrying a child to term were impossibilities for me."

Her response came, surprisingly composed, yet unwavering. "Well, this could either be your miracle baby or those doctors were simply unaware of the truth," she asserted, her voice carrying a hint of calm certainty.

A flicker of hope ignited within me, yearning to believe her words, but my rational mind struggled to accept them. After all, I had painstakingly come to terms with the fact that having children of my own was an unattainable dream. It was a bitter pill to swallow, one that left me feeling inadequate, as if my womanhood was somehow diminished.

"Mrs. Choi, it is undeniable that you are carrying a precious life within you. Can you hear the resounding rhythm of your baby's heartbeat on the heart monitor?" she inquired, gesturing towards a machine positioned on the left side of my bed. Overwhelmed with joy, tears of happiness cascaded down my cheeks, as the realization of my lifelong aspiration to become a mother washed over me. The profound reality sank in, as I comprehended that I was carrying Reese's child, making this journey even more extraordinary and filling me with an indescribable euphoria.

The elation that had consumed me was abruptly shattered, as the harsh reality dawned upon me - not only was my own life in grave jeopardy, but so too was the precious life growing within me. My thoughts screamed in protest, desperately rejecting this cruel twist of fate. Yet, my body, perhaps influenced by the potent narcotics coursing through my veins via the IV tube, obediently attempted to find solace, as the doctor had instructed, and surrender to a state of tranquility.

As exhaustion enveloped me, my eyelids grew unbearably heavy, but not before I caught sight of my aunt and uncle, who had quietly entered the room. Alongside them stood my two closest friends, their faces etched with anguish, particularly Emily, whose expression shattered my heart into even smaller fragments. However, what truly tore me apart was the presence of my baby's father, standing in a distant corner of the room. His once vibrant eyes now dimmed, his weight noticeably diminished since our last encounter. A five o'clock shadow marred his typically clean-shaven face. In that fleeting moment, before darkness claimed me entirely, I witnessed him silently mouthing the words "thank you," tears streaming down his face, leaving an indelible image etched in my mind.

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