Chapter 3: Night Of The Masqurade Ball

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Reese POV:

"How long do you plan on lingering at the ball?" Tyler, my best friend, asked irritably.

"Just enough to greet my new business partner and appease my overbearing dad," I replied, studying my reflection in the bathroom mirror. "Damn, who's this attractive guy staring back at me?" I couldn't help but marvel at my own appearance, a rare moment of self-admiration.

"Are you going to keep admiring yourself or are we going to the ball, Reese?" Tyler snapped, clearly impatient.

"I can't help it if I'm a good-looking guy," I chuckled in response.

"Are you ready to go or not?" Tyler asked, rolling his eyes at my antics.

"Why the rush to get to the ball, bro?" I inquired curiously.

"Because there's a stunning woman I want to introduce you to once we're done there," Tyler replied, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"In that case, Tyler, I'm more than ready." We strolled into the spacious two-car garage, where my candy-apple red Jaguar stood proudly next to my sea-blue Maserati.

As we arrived at the Dalton Inn & Lodge, a bustling crowd had already gathered. Eager to maintain my anonymity, I swiftly adorned my mask before stepping out of the car.

"I'll catch up with you in a bit, Tyler..." I began to say, but my words trailed off as I noticed a captivating woman capturing his attention near the bar. A low chuckle escaped my lips as Tyler dismissed me with a casual wave of his hand.

"It's about time you showed up!" My father greeted me sternly as I entered his office, swiftly closing the door behind me.

"Hello, I'm Reese Choi." I extended my right hand towards the elderly man, introducing myself with a polite gesture.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, young man. I'm Jason Wilkerson," Mr. Wilkerson greeted me warmly, giving my hand a firm, confident shake. "Your father has been singing praises about your impressive business acumen," he added. We engaged in a brief discussion about business matters before deciding to join the other guests.

As I scanned the room, my eyes caught sight of Tyler whispering into the ear of a stunning redhead. Her radiant smile indicated that he must have said something quite charming. Tyler swiftly signaled me to keep my distance, his infamous hand gesture warning me away. Chuckling at his antics, I made my way to the bar and ordered myself a drink.

As I savored my drink at the bar, my gaze fixated on three individuals entering through the door. The man had his arms wrapped around the waists of two attractive women, their laughter filling the air. Yet, it was the stunning woman in the black dress, adorned with gold see-through lace and daring side splits, who captivated my attention. I observed as her friends departed, leaving her alone at the far end of the bar. Lost in her allure, I failed to notice Tyler taking a seat right beside me.

"Instead of sitting here mesmerized by the beautiful lady at the end of the bar, why not go over and introduce yourself?" Tyler suggested.

"She might already be involved with someone," I replied, a hint of hesitation in my voice.

"Well, you won't find out unless you gather the courage to ask her, my friend. Time is ticking, and those thirsty men eyeing her might beat you to it," Tyler advised. I scanned the room, observing my potential rivals. Their eager expressions spoke volumes. "Wow, she's absolutely stunning," Tyler whispered, revealing his own interest.

A grin crept across my face as I witnessed her gracefully decline the advances of a few men armed with dull and uninspiring pick-up lines. My blood boiled when one of them became aggressive after facing rejection. Without a moment's hesitation, I sprang to my feet and swiftly made my way towards her.

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