Chapter 46: Troubled

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Reese's POV

In the solace of my car, parked in the driveway, I sought refuge from the turmoil within me before confronting Avery. My emotions were in a frenzy, overwhelmed by the weight of my father's burdensome presence. Despite the seething anger consuming me, I understood that unleashing it upon Avery was unjustifiable. The mere contemplation of such an act tore at my very core, driving me to the brink of madness. Desperately, I pleaded with the universe, hoping against hope that Avery had, for once, disregarded my words and went to bed.

Time dragged on relentlessly as I remained rooted in my chosen spot, the minutes stretching out like an eternity, despite the mere fifteen minutes that had passed since I last glanced at the clock. My anger, a stubborn entity in its own right, clung to me, refusing to dissipate as swiftly as I yearned for it to. With a determined exhale, I swung open the car door and stepped out, my eyes fixated on Avery's bedroom window, perched atop the house. It was as if she possessed an uncanny intuition to know when I was thinking about her, for just as my thoughts gravitated towards her, Avery materialized behind the partially drawn navy blue curtains. She stood there, a captivating figure, her silhouette barely concealed by the slender opening. I found myself entranced, unable to tear my gaze away, as she tenderly caressed her now prominent belly through the small gap in the fabric. The moonlight, gentle and ethereal, enveloped her in a magical aura, transforming the scene into a whimsical fairytale, with her radiant smile illuminating the night.

Amid chaos and agony, Avery emerged as a beacon of serenity, a stark contrast to the tumultuous world I inhabited. The tempestuous storm waged its destructive war, ravaging everything in its path. Yet, Avery stood resolute, unyielding, prepared to confront any adversity without a trace of fear. Imperfections were inherent in this realm, but in my eyes, Avery embodied perfection itself. She was the epitome of beauty, a regal queen deserving of my protection, love, and adoration. A surge of pride engulfed me, envisioning a daughter who mirrored her mother's exquisite essence.

A small button nose and captivating big brown eyes mirroring that of her mother. I could vividly imagine Avery cradling our little one, tenderly nursing her and lulling her to sleep, while I sat there, completely engrossed, basking in the pure bliss of the moment. But as my thoughts wandered, a new scene unfolded before me. Now, I watched them both, filled with boundless energy, chasing each other around the house, their laughter echoing through every corner, infusing every room with their infectious joy.

I began to calm down by picturing us as a happy family enough to gather the courage to take that first step towards the house, determined to resume the conversation we had been interrupted from earlier. An interruption that should never have occurred in the first place. Stepping into the softly illuminated foyer, I slipped off my shoes, exchanging them for a pair of cozy house slippers. The moment I entered the living room, Avery's presence enveloped me, making the weariness of a long day at work fade away.

As I ventured deeper inside, her presence enveloped me with every step I took. Shedding my suit jacket, I released the suffocating grip of the tie that seemed to strangle my neck. Carelessly draping them over the sofa, I yearned to erase any trace of the office turmoil before laying my eyes upon the radiant face of my beloved. I refused to let anything tarnish this tranquil moment, at least not yet.

Ascending the spiral staircase, I savored the off-key melody of Avery's lullaby. It had become her nightly ritual for the past five months, but this time, her voice resonated like the most enchanting symphony. Standing at the threshold, I simply observed as she tenderly caressed her belly, her gaze fixed upon it, adorned with a blissful smile. In that very instant, I realized that whatever transpired at work must remain confined within those walls, regardless of its magnitude. I refused to let the burdens of my career breach the sacred refuge we had built, causing undue harm. I'm not foolish enough to believe that Avery will remain oblivious to Sofia forever, but for the time being, we must address more urgent matters.

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