Chapter 53: Adrenaline Rush

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Dear readers, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and engagement with my book. Your votes and comments mean the world to me. However, I feel compelled to provide a warning before delving into this particular chapter. It contains scenes of violence and includes explicit language. If such content is not to your liking, I kindly advise against reading further. For those who are comfortable, please proceed and immerse yourselves in the story. Until we meet again, stay safe, and may you be blessed.


Third Person POV

With a surge of uncontrollable rage coursing through my veins, I hurled the vase brimming with delicate roses across the room, its impact against the wall resonating with a deafening thud, shattering it into countless fragments. In that moment, it felt as though my entire existence was crumbling before my very eyes as I helplessly sat there, a spectator to the heart-wrenching scene unfolding before me - my son proposing to the woman who had become the center of my world.

A seething anger, unlike anything I had ever experienced, consumed me entirely. It simmered within me, akin to a colossal volcano on the verge of eruption. I yearned to unleash havoc upon the world, to witness it crumble and burn to the ground in a cataclysmic blaze.

I had grown weary of witnessing my son snatch away the women I had once claimed as my own. Kyane had already stolen Destiny from my grasp, and now I was losing Avery to Reese. I refused to surrender her without a merciless battle. I was prepared to go to any lengths necessary to prevent this heart-wrenching scenario from repeating itself.

"What, Hye-jin?" I demanded, my temples throbbing as she stormed into the room, seething with anger.

"Are you just going to sit there, spewing fire from your mouth, while Reese and this woman play house?" Hye-jin's voice trembled with frustration.

"You have two seconds to get out of my sight before I lose control and unleash hell on you," I snapped, my temper threatening to consume me as I listened to her relentless nagging.

"Fuck you, Mr. Choi," Hye-jin spat, her fury evident in her words. "I'll handle Avery and her child on my own, without your help."

Hearing her threaten harm towards Avery, my instincts kicked in. In an instant, Hye-jin found herself suspended off the ground, her back pressed firmly against the door. My fingers tightened around her delicate neck, a dangerous glint in my eyes.

"Didn't I warn you last time about your venomous tongue?" I sneered, my grip tightening around her neck. "Don't worry, I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget."

Hye-jin's legs thrashed wildly, her delicate fingers clawing desperately at mine in a futile attempt to break free. The more she fought back, the more a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. The anticipation of witnessing her life slip away ignited a dark, primal instinct within me.

Unlike moments ago, when I felt my world crumbling, I now felt a surge of energy and vitality. I realized how much I had missed this twisted part of myself, the part that found pleasure in watching a helpless woman struggle and beg for mercy. Little did she know, her desperation only fueled my sinister desires further.

"This will be your last time threatening Avery," I mutter through clenched teeth, my grip tightening with each passing moment. A surge of satisfaction washes over me as I witness the fear in her eyes slowly fade away. Hye-jin's body convulses one last time before her arms go limp at her sides. Laughter erupts from deep within me, reverberating throughout the cramped room.

With a forceful toss, I fling her lifeless form against the wall, then saunter over to the newly installed liquor cabinet. As I stand at the bar, I pour myself a generous glass of bourbon. The potent blend of alcohol and the aftermath of a brutal act always sends my adrenaline soaring. It fills me with an intoxicating rush of exhilaration, a euphoric high that I've grown accustomed to and sorely missed.

Standing over Hye-jin's lifeless body, I paused for a fleeting moment, admiring the result of my actions. Without hesitation, I grabbed her by the legs and began dragging her towards the dimly lit basement, her head bouncing against each step with a sickening thud. In the depths of my mind, I knew the walk-in freezer below would serve a purpose but I never would've imagined that Hye-jin would be its first occupant though.

An overwhelming desire to be near Avery consumed my thoughts, overpowering any sense of caution. It drove me to hastily make my way to the basement window, climbing out onto the balcony that led to Avery's apartment. With the flashlight on my phone illuminating my path, I leisurely strolled through her living room. Inhaling deeply, I savored the comforting scent of vanilla-scented candles, a ritual her mother/aunt faithfully observed every Wednesday.

I lingered at the entrance of her bedroom, my mind drifting between cherished memories of our first night together and the harsh reality that now consumed me. The lines between my erotic fantasies and the painful truth blurred as images of Avery and Reese sharing a bed invaded my thoughts. The longing for the connection my son had with her burned within me, fueling a determination to obtain what I desired by any means necessary. With a bitter smile, I unleashed my frustration by striking the adjacent wall with a forceful punch.

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