Chapter 38: Scared

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Avery's POV

Here I lay, confined to this wretched hospital bed once more. My mind drifts back to the horrifying incident of being assaulted, this time within the walls of my own home. It's a chilling realization that safety eludes me no matter where I seek refuge. A wave of panic washes over me, settling deep within the pit of my stomach, as I come to terms with the fact that the threat could be lurking even in this very room.

An overwhelming sense of terror engulfs me, rendering me motionless as I anxiously scan the unfamiliar faces surrounding me. Though their smiles appear friendly and harmless, I cannot bring myself to let my guard down. Each one of them has the potential to pose a danger to both my precious baby and me. I understand that it may sound irrational, but how can I not feel this way? My own home, the sacred sanctuary that should provide solace, allowed me to be violated in the most unimaginable way.

Uncontrollable sobs erupted from my eyes, cascading down my cheeks as my trembling hand instinctively shielded my vulnerable stomach. How could someone harbor such malicious intentions towards my innocent baby and me? I pondered, desperately searching my memory for any wrongdoing I may have committed, only to draw a blank. Was I destined to be devoid of even a sliver of happiness in my life? I implored, my gaze fixated on the ceiling, yearning for solace from anyone who cared. Wasn't it enough that I lost my mother during my formative years? My father had long abandoned me, even before my existence, and now they wanted to snatch my precious child away! "What more must I sacrifice?" I bellowed, my voice echoing with anguish.

"Please, I beg of you, do not take my baby away from me," I pleaded, my heartache palpable, reaching out to anyone who could empathize with my torment. You can subject me to any torment you desire, but I beseech you, spare my innocent child from harm.

"Please, Mrs..."

In a state of desperation, I implored the young doctor standing beside my bed, clutching her hand tightly, "Please, I beg of you, do not let them harm my precious baby!"

"Rest assured, Mrs. Choi, neither you nor your precious baby will encounter any harm in this place. I give you my word that you are in a secure environment," she earnestly attempted to reassure me. However, despite her best efforts, my mind stubbornly resisted accepting the words that reached my ears.

"Where is my family?" I suddenly erupted, feeling as though she didn't grasp the urgency of my plea for help.

"Your husband is waiting outside," she replied calmly.

Under normal circumstances, hearing Reese referred to as my husband would fill me with joy. But in that moment, all I could think about was the safety of our baby. "Please, go and fetch him for me," I pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Choi," the nurse responded in a soft, yet polite tone, "I cannot do that at the moment."

"Reese... Reese... Reese..." I cried out desperately, my voice echoing through the room. Tears streamed down my face, blurring my surroundings and distorting reality. It felt as though I was invisible, my pleas falling on deaf ears. Everyone around me continued their robotic motions, oblivious to my anguish. But then, a gentle touch on my forehead snapped me back to the present. An elderly nurse, her eyes filled with compassion, wiped away my tears, offering solace in her words.

"Take a deep breath, my dear. We must protect this precious, innocent baby of yours," she spoke with a tender, motherly tone. Her words brought a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. With a reassuring kiss on my cheek and a comforting pat on my hand, she promised to fetch my husband before leaving the room.

As I tried to dry my tears, they seemed to multiply, each one replaced by another. Fear gripped me tightly as I anxiously awaited Reese's arrival. Time seemed to stretch endlessly as I lay there, my heart pounding in my chest. Prayers whispered from my trembling lips, hoping that he wouldn't let me down. And then, like a beacon of light, his handsome face appeared at the door. Behind him, my guardian angel followed closely, radiating a cheerful smile.

"I'm right here, Avery, my love!"

"See? I promised you I would go get  him for you. And let me tell you, darling, you've chosen an incredible partner!" My guardian angel beamed, gently brushing my cheek one last time before making her way towards the exit.

"Before you go, may I know your name?" I inquired as she prepared to close the door behind her.

"Sandy White," she replied, poking her head back in and bidding farewell with a wave.

As I gazed into Reese's flawlessly chiseled face, I couldn't help but feel both captivated and guilty for the burden I was placing upon him. Yet, my overwhelming concern for the safety of our unborn child prevented me from dwelling on those thoughts for too long. I silently pleaded with the only person in this hospital who I knew would hear me, "Please, protect our baby from any harm." In that moment, I felt his large, comforting hand tenderly caress my face, wiping away the tears with his palm.

"The baby is thriving and will continue to do so, I'll make sure of it. But you have to find a way to calm down, for both of us, my love," he pleaded, his eyes filled with concern.

"I'm trying, truly, but it's just so hard when I don't know who I can trust here, except for you," I whispered, pulling his face closer to mine, seeking solace in his presence. His eyes widened, locking onto mine, causing a flutter of unease within me.

"I promise you, you're safe here," he assured me, though something felt off as he momentarily shifted his gaze away from me.

"Lower your voice, please! We can't let them overhear us," I stammered anxiously, scanning the room for any signs of eavesdroppers.

"Alright, sweetheart, I'll do whatever it takes to put your mind at ease. Would it help if Mathew and August were here with us in the room?" he asked, his voice tinged with defeat.

"No! What I truly desire is your unwavering presence, your unwavering protection for both our precious baby and myself, Reese."

His response was filled with a mixture of uncertainty and self-doubt. "I'm not entirely certain if I possess the necessary qualities to shoulder this immense responsibility. My foolishness has already endangered you once, but thankfully, both you and your baby emerged unscathed. However, we cannot rely on luck forever. I cannot bear to endure such a harrowing experience again!"

His words were laced with sorrow and regret, yet there was something else hidden within his voice, something I couldn't quite decipher.

"You promised to grant my every wish, but now you retract your words. If I cannot have you by my side, protecting me, then I refuse to accept the presence of bodyguards. I need someone I can depend on in this very moment!" I cried out, feeling the world around me spiraling into chaos.

The mounting pressure in my head threatened to shatter it into a million fragments, while the excruciating pain surged through every fiber of my being. Desperate for relief, I instinctively shut my eyes, hoping to find solace in the darkness. Yet, tranquility eluded me, slipping further away with each passing moment. My eyelids grew heavy, burdened by weariness that permeated my entire body. Surrendering to the relentless battle, I felt myself being pulled into an abyss of darkness, its irresistible force consuming me. Just before succumbing to unconsciousness, Reese's remorseful voice pierced through the haze, pleading, "Avery, I beg you, please don't hate me."

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