Chapter Four: Don't Be A Cindrella!

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CHAPTER 4: Don't Be A Cindrella!

"We have a connection, that's right
'Cause girl I'm not letting go
I'm gonna make you feel right."
-Enrique Iglesias

After arriving at the exquisitely decorated reception venue I let go of mum and stand with Will as Van and Ryan have their first wedding dance.

Damn! They're doing those gooey eyes at each other again. This entire time they had those wide grins of profound happiness on their faces as they sway to the song Van requested 'Beautiful in White'.

Is it even possible to be that happy? And why bother to marry if it's going to crumble down anyway. A heavy sigh escapes my lips and Will's concerned eyes meet mine. I really need to steer my mind away from all these dreary thoughts. Just beacuse my parent's marriage didn't work out doesn't mean that others won't work too.

"That girl won't stop looking at you." I whisper in Will's ear and his eyes roam around until they lock on the girl I was talking about.

I swear she's following us around since the wedding got over. And now at the reception she is bold enough to stare at him like a creep even though I have caught her one too many times.

He quickly looks at me with a panicked face turning a deep shade of red. My eyes widen and I poke his hot cheeks,

"Are you blushing Willie?"

He swats my hand away with a frown, "Shut up! "

"Are you sure she's looking at me? What do I do?"

I bite my cheek so that I don't break out into hysterical laughs cause watching him all nervous and blushy over a girl is definitely a first.

"Aw! Does someone has a little crush on little Willie?" I tease making him turn even more red.

Finally deciding to cut him some slack, I pat his back encouragingly,

"Go ask her for a dance."

"Are you sure she's looking at me only?"

"Yes, now go the parent's dance is almost over". I give him a little push and he fixes his tie walking causally to her.

My eyes skim the crowd for Emma and I spot her dancing with her new friend. Wow ! Here my little brother and sister are dancing with someone else and here I am standing all alone.

"Oh Eleanor, how are you dear?"

I groan softly and turn to meet my Aunt. The aunt who has a slight tendency to mind other people's business and my parent's recent departure is definitely something for her to snoop around.

I give her my sweetest fake smile and reply "I'm fine, how are you?"

She waves her hand with a small laugh "Oh I'm good! How's your mother? I heard that ---"

Oh here it comes!

"She's fine thank you for asking. It was nice meeting you, now if you'll excuse me." I shoot her another fake smile and scurry my way past her not waiting for her goodbye.

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