Chapter Twenty: Making It Right

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CHAPTER 20: Making It Right.

"So if I'm losing a piece of me
Maybe I don't want heaven?"
- Troye Sivan.

Awkward breakfasts are my favourites.

Especially if the victim of the awkwardness is none other than Will.

You see cause there's hardly anything that ever makes him feel so out of place so when it does make him feel that way we turn into sadistic women and enjoy him squirming way too much.

"You know I know y'all are enjoying this but please atleast wait until I'm done with breakfast? I'm starving." He grunts out with mouth half full.

Emma scrunches her nose up and proceeds to say something but mum gives her look to keep eating so she stays silent.

"Well if you'd have returned for dinner last night maybe you wouldn't be so starving." Mum calmly says and I see him wince from across the table. "Can you pass me the juice Ellen?"

"Mom!" I shoot her a pleading look but she just shrugs.

"What? I'm just asking for the juice."

"Please just---"

"It's alright El, I probably deserve it." Will cuts in giving me a small smile.

"Definitely." Mum glares at him and I try to make her take the easy way but to no avail. He's surely getting grilled today.

"I said I'm sorry Mum." Will exclaims throwing his hands up in the air.

"Don't raise your voice at me young man." Mum scowls getting up on her feet, palms flat on the table. Will gets up too though a little less sure of himself than he was a minute ago.

"Are you going to ground me now? Go ahead." He gestures her but Mum merely shurgs and crosses her arms.

"Too easy."

He frowns confused and looks at me but I just shake my head in a 'I dont know what's she's upto' way.

"You William Emmerson are to babysit Emma this weekend and when I say babysit I mean including feeding her that means you are going to cook. You will also do the dishes--"

"No way. She was supposed to do that. I already did my turn this week." He groans pointing to me helplessly. Emma mutters something under her breath about not needing to be babysat and I laugh quietly at her obvious displeasure to be treated as a child so blatantly.

Mum holds up her hand gesturing him to shut up and he reluctantly complies.

"I don't care if it isn't your turn, if I say you're doing it you are going to do it. Period." I put my fist against my mouth when Will's jaw hangs open at the commanding tone Mum uses.

"Also no video games this weekend."

Mum's smirks grows impeccably wider when he widens his eyes and pulls at his hair frustrated.

"That's so not fair." He mutters still tugging his hair.

"And yes no sneaking off snacks to your room too."

"That's it?" He asks after a moment of silence. "No confining me to my room? Not taking my phone or laptop away?" He asks quietly.

"I don't want you rebelling any more than you already do. If I do all that I know you will." She sits down again, a resigned expression pulling her face in a frown.

"Mom I'm really sorry." He walks upto her and stands like a small puppy besides her.

Her eyes soften and she looks up at him her eyes tearing up.

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