Chapter Thirty Seven: He's An Asshole! All Guys Are!

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CHAPTER 37: He's An Asshole! All Guys Are!

"All this time
How could you not know
Baby you belong with me."
-Taylor Swift.
(just cause it's her birthday today😍)

You know the mornings where your eyes just won't open? You actually have to rip them apart, and even then they just keep closing when you brush your teeth or how you almost fall asleep under the shower? Yeah. I was having that kind of morning today.

Half sleepy, I pull on my faded blue jeans and grab a t-shirt that reads ‘I'm just A dory able’. If you don't know her, you're living under a rock and I'm sorry for your childhood. I quickly tie my hair in a messy bun and it isn't because some people find it cute but I actually don't have it in me to do anything else. When mum shouts “Breakfast!”, I swipe some tinted lip balm and quickly scurry downstairs with my bag.

Will raises a brow when he takes in my shirt. “Very mature.”

“Shut up.” I grumble and slide in the chair next to him after kissing Emma's cheek.

“Ew.” she wipes it away and my eyebrows shoot up surprised.

“She feels she's too big for kisses now.” Mum laughs when she sees my face.

“Hey! You're never too big for that.” I turn to Will and place a big fat kiss on his cheek which makes him groan and point to Emma.


Mum laughs and then kisses my cheek.

“See!” I point at Mum to emphasise my point.

“Everyone please stop kissing! She's not even listening.” Will grunts and stacks his plate with breakfast.

“Mum.” Emma starts sweetly which quickly makes Mum straighten up.

“So Lisa just got this sweet, cute, adorable pup——”

“No.” mum interrupts and continues eating her bacon.

“Mum please!” she yells, throwing her spoon across the room.

“Emma! Pick that up this instant.” mum glares at her.

“No!” she stubbornly crosses her arms and looks away.

Mum rubs her temples and mumbles how stubborn she's starting to become.

“Emma.” Will warns her and tips his head to the direction of the spoon, pulling on his big brother facade.

She rolls her eyes and jumps down from her chair and picks up the spoon as if its a piece of rag and places it on the table with a loud clank.

“I'm done.” she stomps and walks out of the room with an attitude she never had before.

The whole table is in stunned silence.

“Why is she growing up again?” I groan loudly.

Mum nods. “My sweet Emma is soon going to be picky and talk about make up and complain about girls from school.”

I nod in return solemnly.

“Stop being dramatic girls.” Will rolls his eyes and pushes his chair back. “I'm going to go check on her.”

Mum smiles warmly with glossy eyes. Oh no. This is the moment she realises her kids are growing up all too soon.

“And she's already picky!” Will yells when he's out of the room making Mum grumble about ruining the mood.

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