Chapter Twenty One [Part 2]: You're Beautiful

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CHAPTER 21 [Part 2]: You're Beautiful.

"Why'd you have to wait
To find me?"
-The Fray.

I never thought I would ever see Damon smiling the way he did in this moment.

His eyes sparkled like he had stolen all the stars from the sky, his face lighting up like he had his own little sun.

He didn't say anything. He just grinned pulling me closer until our lips collided. He held me against him like a promise, a promise to never let go, a promise to hold me like this forever and I let him. I let him kiss me fiercely, a complete contrast to our first kiss. I tangle my fingers through his hair bringing him impossibly closer, but I couldn't match the way he kissed me.

So longingly. Like he wanted this from forever.

So desperately. As if I would vanish.

So passionately. Like he wanted me to feel what he felt.

I pull away breathing raggedly. I couldn't keep up with his kiss. It was too intense. Too soon for it to be like this. He hugs me tightly nuzzling his face in my neck. I wrap my arms around his torso lightly.

He couldn't see the fear in my eyes. The helplessness I felt in that moment. I was so confused. But this is what I've wanted.

Just because I had moment with Luke doesn't mean my feelings for Damon just say goodbye to me and go away. They are there. Deep down. I just need them to resurface to drown out the teeny ones I'm growing for his best friend who doesn't even like me.

So I smile and hug him tigther feeling him smile against my neck. We stay like that. Maybe for a few minutes, maybe forever, it doesn't matter. He does.

He presses a small kiss just below my ear and pulls back watching me with disbelief clear in his eyes.

"You said yes. You are my girlfriend." He repeats as if he himself doesn't believe it.

"I am." I laugh shivering a little.

He notices and curses under his breath for not bringing a jacket along and instantly my mind runs to Luke bringing his sweatshirt for me when he came to take me home.

Forget it Eleanor.

He puts his arm around my shoulder and tucks me to his side, his body warmer than any jacket. This feels more good.

We resume our stroll hand in hand again. I watch the different trees and small shrubs as we walk past them, thinking how unique every one of them is created.

"What are you thinking?" He asks and I feel his eyes on me but I keep watching the flowers.

"Just how beautiful this world is." I whisper.

"You're beautiful." He responds without a beat. That makes me look at him with a playful smile but his genuine grin makes it falter letting a light blush coat my cold cheeks.

"Um. Thanks I guess?" I reply confused and flustered.

He laughs leading me to a small lake. A brief breath escapes my parted lips and an involuntary smile falls across my face. There were tall tress stretched across the small lake, an iron fence built around it. We walked closer towards it and I curl my fingers around the cold metal, gasping at the beautiful view spread before me.

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