Chapter Fifty Seven: You Need To Calm Down

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CHAPTER 57: You Need To Calm Down.

"Hands on your body, I don't wanna waste no time
Feels like forever even if forever's tonight
Just lay with me, waste this night away with me
You're mine, I can't look away, I just gotta say."

I don't know why I keep coming back shopping with these girls when I regret it every single time. I love them, I really do but if Kelly tries anymore skirts or Maddy makes one more crude comment, I'm gonna bash their heads with the broken mannequin's arm I've been eyeing for a while now.

“Ugh!” I groan frustrated, “We came here for gowns not skirts Kells! Stop wasting your time! It's been two hours already and we're still here! She's gonna kick us out.” I whisper yell, discreetly pointing at the girl who was helping us one hour ago. The girls stop and cautiously eye me for a silent moment before Kelly grins and starts singing.

“You need to calm down, you're being too loud.”

My eye twitches and my fist clenches. Did I mention they've been singing the same Taylor Swift since morning?

“You need to just stop
Like can you just not step on my gown? You need to calm down.” Maddy comes out singing and twirls showing off the dress she tried. My frown settles and I smile.

“It's really good Mads.”

“Mhm. You sure? This colour doesn't really suit me well.” she pouts and inspects herself in the mirror. I bite my lip so I don't end up screaming. My phone buzzes.

Lukey Luke: How're you girls doing? Find anything good?

Me: I'm going to get kicked out for violence. I need you to tie me up when I decide to go shopping with them anytime soon.

Lukey Luke: so kinky.

He sends a bunch of winking and kissy faces that makes me laugh amused but I just send an angry face.

Lukey Luke(1): 😆😛

Lukey Luke(2): want me to pick you up?

Me: do you have a death wish? Kells will gobble you up.

“Hey! Stop texting your boyfriend, this is a girl's day out. That means no boys whatsoever.” Kelly stands with her hands on her hips and glares down at me. I sheepishly smile and pocket my phone before stretching my tired limbs.

“He's not my boyfriend.” I mumble.

“Yet.” Morgan pipes in with a wink.

“Let's get outta here, I can see the salesgirl marching towards us with a red face.” Morgan grabs my arm and we all pile out of the damn store quickly.

“I'm hungry now.” Roxy yawns and drags herself towards the Food Court.

“It's been like two and a half hours and we haven't bought a single dress.” I scold as I plop down on the chair.

“Calm down mama bear. Have some fun.” Kelly smirks and suddenly perks up when a song starts playing before squealing loudly.

“Oh my God.” I mumble to myself when ‘You Need To Calm Down’ blares.

“Hey it's a really good song. I love the message.” Morgan says with a small smile and hums along. I nod in agreement and the conversation shifts to how the song is really good to how Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello should totally date and get it on.

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