Chapter Twenty One [Part 1]: Dance With Me

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CHAPTER 21 [Part 1]: Dance With Me.

"What's mine is yours to leave or take
What's mine is yours to make your own."
-The Fray.

Date: A romantic meeting or outing with a lover or potential lover, or the person so met.

It's just a date.

Then why the hell was I so freaking nervous? It's not like I haven't been on a date before. Lily has set me up on countless blind dates without me even knowing that I was on one.

It's all going be cool. I'm going to be cool. I'm not going be nervous and make a fool out of myself. I can do this.

I can right?

"Will you calm down? It's just a date not your freaking wedding." Lily says and I see her rolling her eyes from the laptop perched on my bed.

"Shut up. I'm so scared. My stomach won't stop rolling, I think I'm going to be sick." I gag making her cringe. She exhales loudly and pushes the papers she's working on aside giving me her now undivided attention.

"Hey. You've waited for this for as long as I can remember. I actually thought it was just a stupid crush you had on him when you first saw him. He lived here and you in Canada, it was impossible for him to be anything more than just a little crush for you, but now see where you've come."

I stay quiet and nod taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"He likes you and your going out with him. Do you really wanna mess this up? Either you throw up on his shirt cause you're just that stressed out or you go out there, be a real woman and make him drop dead by your classiness. Make sure he knows he's made the right choice and comes back for more."

My mouth drops open and she finally takes a deep breath after her long rant.

"Wow I am like your personal counsellor. You should pay me." She laughs but instead of answering her I take deep long breaths and think of the days I thought this would be nothing but a dream.

Oh my ten year old is squealing inside.

But my seventeen year old is telling me to keep it cool.

"Okay I'm going be alright. I can do this." I nod at her. She grins and tells me to hurry up with the dress.

Since I don't know what our plans our Lily tells me to dress neutral. Whatever that means. She decides on a navy blue skater dress. It has thin straps and reaches down a little shy from my knees. It's simple and comfortable making me give her thumbs up. She keeps telling me how to do my hair and makeup from the screen and I follow her dutifully.

After an hour finally I get in my shoes and grab my purse blowing a kiss to Lily before shutting my laotop. Mum already knows my plans with Damon but she isn't home yet. I wonder what's taking her so long. William was hanging out in the living room watching some movie. Emma was with the triplets as usual. Those four are practically inseparable.

Will turns when he hears me and his eyes light up with a grin. I shyly smile and twirl a little.

"How do I look?"

"Eh. Okay." He makes a face.


"Okay fine. You look really good. " he smiles and I smile back.

The doorbell rings but Will makes a dash towards it before I can even blink. I wait for a few minutes before I make my way towards the door knowing Will wanted to play the whole big brother part. It's endearing to be honest.

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