Chapter Eighteen: I'll Be Your Personal Cheerleader Tonight

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CHAPTER 18: I'll Be Your Personal Cheerleader Tonight.

"Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright."
- Lady Antebellum.

I didn't think missing little things about someone could feel so terrible until today.

Especially when the reason you're missing those things is solely you.

I feel so out of control and depressed it makes me want to put an end to this day before it has even started. But that wouldn't be fair, cause I promised to cheer my blue eyed crush and I don't want to put him on the list of people I've begun to disappoint too.

The thing is, it's really easy to go through bad days when there's someone else to blame, but when it's all messed up because of you, it just adds on the pile of making Eleanor Emmerson feel bad than she already does.

I did try to fix it though.

When I finally had the courage to go home, I didn't bolt towards my bedroom to hibernate, instead I knocked on the door that clearly said 'BEWARE BEFORE THOU KNOCK' (yeah my brother can be a little extreme at times) and stood there for a long time with my ear pressed to the door listening for any sounds that indicated my brother was still alive.

Maybe his sister is a little extreme too.

But there wasn't any sound. So I finally gave up and taking a deep breath, mumbled a sorry with my forehead pressed to the hideous sign and headed back to my room with slumped shoulders. But as soon my door clicked shut his opened and I heard him rush downstairs.

Yeah. So he ignored me. I get it.

But it stung a lot and I spent a hell lot of time crying and slept with streaked cheeks.

Morning was equally bad.

It usually is when you look like you've drowned and left to dry before a blow dryer.

I'm sure Annabelle looked better than me in that moment.

My hair wouldn't tame, I couldn't find my favourite jeans, my attempt at putting an eye liner to look good than I felt failed so terribly I'm ashamed to even say it, and my face still looked like a grimace whenever I tried to smile.

It just wasn't my day.

Yeah and William 'accidently' spilled my coffee down the sink.

So yeah.

Back to missing someone.

Whether I liked to admit it or not. I did miss Luke.

That obnoxious, sneaky little son of a ugh!! I missed him. There I said it.

It isn't until you realize their absence that you start missing their presence.

Now that he's not here, I feel like he was always there with me. I miss driving to school with him. The day always started better with his stupid singing and endless teasing. I miss walking through the hallways towards my locker with him even if people murmured about it. I miss when he used to flick my forehead and give me his two finger salute as a goodbye to walk to his class. And the few classes that I did have with him made them easier to bear when he kept kicking the back of my chair.

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