Chapter Fifty Five: Never Too Old For Disney

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CHAPTER 55: Never Too Old For Disney.

"Let me share this whole new world with you."

Lucas Alexander James loves me.

Lucas Alexander James is in love with me.

His words lingered in the short space between us which I closed with a brief impulsive sweet kiss to his lips.

I pulled back with burning hot cheeks, my mind kicking into its usual overthinking pattern.

Love was something untouchable, I never thought I was capable of loving someone or being loved by someone. I've seen too many people fret and break over love and somewhere along the way I grew scared of it.

But looking into his enamoured eyes made me feel like love was beautiful, it was sweet, it was a safe place I could always turn to. And he was willing to be that person for me. But I didn't know where I stood with my feelings. I was too skittish, my most natural reaction to anything really is to run or cry.

But this moment was too pure, too sweet to taint with any of those conflicting emotions. But it wasn't like his words switched on a part of me that made me suddenly realize that I loved him too, this was no fairytale. And love was too heavy, too important to be carelessly thrown to people, especially if you weren't sure of it.

Love can both break and make a person. It can be someone's demise as well as someone's saving grace.

As if sensing my thoughts, he smiled. He smiled with understanding, not expecting anything in return and some part of me slowly fell for that.

"You don't have to love me back to accept what I feel for you Ellie. I am in love with you and I wanted you to know that somewhere out there, you mean the absolute world to someone."

My skin tingled as he cupped my cheek and I found myself seeking comfort in his warm touch, his words burning into my skin.

"But how? When?" I spluttered.

He grinned. "I'm not too eloquent to put my feelings into words but maybe Jane Austen can help you understand it better." I wanted to scoff and roll my eyes at his false modesty because we all knew when it came to us, he was the most eloquent person. Succinct and concise. But I refrain and watch him from under my dark lashes in anticipation.

"I cannot fix the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun." he quotes with a deep voice, sounding so passionate as if they were his own words but even if they weren't, it was exactly how he felt.

I wanted to swoon, because a guy who quotes so charmingly from one of your favourite novels is simply like tasting heaven.

I couldn't help myself when I leaned in to kiss his lips again, he met me halfway pressing his lips gently to mine as if kissing me for the first time. The realization that he wasn't doing this for pleasure but out of love made it so much more sweeter. It was perfect in every sense. The way he tangled his fingers in my dark hair, the other holding me close by my waist as if never wanting me to let go, it was so surreal. He made me feel so precious every time his lips moved with mine, it was slow, sensual and filled with so much passion, it left me gasping for both air and need to be closer to him.

"I'm sorry I can't say it back, but I want to be sure because you don't deserve anything less. I like you, I really really do but love scares me. I want you to be patient with me Lucas, can you do that?" I whisper against his lips, feeling terrible that I can't say it back.

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