Chapter Nineteen: Something Ethereal, Something Magical

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CHAPTER 19: Something Ethereal, Something Magical.

"I could show you love
In a tidal wave of mystery."
- Capital Cities.

You'd think crushing on him since 10 would get me ready for this moment.

Sure, I've spent days after days dreaming and fantasizing about his pink soft lips on mine whenever he used to be over with Ryan. I used spend nights mulling over his hands on my waist, what would it feel like to have my hands buried in his hair. 

But no.

Nothing could get me ready for this moment. The little girl locked up in her room smiling after just getting a glimpse of him should have known better than to dream about this moment. Because this, this moment of reality where I was living every dream of my past seven years surpassed every thing.

Every dream.

Every fantasy.

Every movie that I used to watch and imagine us instead of them.

Every novel where it was us I used to dream of when I read.

Standing in his arms in the middle of the field, where there were still students hollering, maybe even teachers and our friends watching us, wasn't where I thought he would kiss me.

Hell I didn't even think it would be him kissing me.

But it was perfect.

It was soft, it was gentle.

It was slow, it was delicate.

It was ardent, it was tender.

Something ethereal, something magical.

It wasn't hurried or desperate, he added the gentlest of pressure, the newness of his warm lips moulding with mine still catching me off gaurd. He hesitantly swipes his tongue over my lower lip and I shiver before kissing him back with more force than before.

He smiles into it then reluctantly pulls away, again resting his forehead on mine. Our wide grins match each other before he again leans in and kisses me sweetly.

"That was --" I start but he interjects.

"I know." He kisses my temple then fully pulls away still grinning.

My cheeks grow warm when I take in the number of people still wandering around. I nervously look down but he tilts my chin up with his finger and shakes his head.

"Don't be nervous. You've kissed the captain babe, show it off." He laughs when I push him away.

"Your ego is as big a umm…" I trail off and I scoff internally at my futile attempt to tease him. My brain is still incapable to form comebacks.

"That's what I thought. You will never find any words to define my quintessential ego." He playfully knocks his shoulder to my own.

"You just defined it yourself, Mr. Big Words." I smirk.

"Ah. I'll never get enough of you." He runs his hand through his hair and gives me a million dollar smile.

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