Chapter Three: Might Be The Fourth Brother Of The Hemsworth

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Chapter 3: Might Be The Fourth Brother Of The Hemsworth.

"You take the heart right out of me."
-The Fray

The house was a complete chaos when we arrived. The bride aka as Vanessa was being a total emotional wreck. And why not? It's her wedding day afterall. At first she was beyond ecstatic, then she got all excited, then she drowned in all the what 'ifs', then she panicked on all the things that could go wrong and her worst fear? God forbid! To trip and fall while walking down the aisle.

She was now peaceful as her hair was being done and I myself was seated frozen as a girl did my hair. All the bridesmaids were almost ready and in about a few minutes I would be too.

Mum was already at the church with Will while Emma was with me since she was a little flower girl already trudging around the house with her little basket.

"Done!" the lady doing my hair smiles at me through the mirror and when I finally notice myself I barely hold in my own smile.

"You did a great job!" Vanessa peeks her eye open and jokes," You do know that I'm the bride right? Cause damn with looks like those its gonna be hard to keep all eyes on me."

I blush looking down and she laughs at my expense.

"Forget about others, Ryan will have his eyes only on you." I smirk when the tables turn and she turns scarlet. It's amazing even after all these years of being with her soon-to-be husband she's still all shy and blushy when it comes to him.

"You're done right? Can you get my flowers please? I'm worried the little ones are going to crush my lovely bouquet." she worriedly says.

"Don't worry, I got this." I say and turn on my heels to the hallway.

"Thanks Cuz." she waves her hand and I climb down the long stairway. I swear her house is so big, she could even have her own reception here if she wishes so.

I notice the white flowers nicely set finished with a white bow lace and grab them gently with a grin. She'll go all bridezilla on me if anything happens to these flowers. Because believe me or not Ryan had himself nutured them in his backyard especially for their wedding.

Its kinda cute though he wanted her to hold the flowers he grew himself. And I think he had done something like this for their first date.

Between all my smiles and my goofy giggles I don't even realize I bump into someone and I also might add crush the flowers between all this fiasco. My eyes widen and I stumble back my eyes glued to the flowers now fallen on the shiny floors with some petals accompanying them.

Two strong arms steady me by tightly gripping my shoulders and when I look up to the eyes holding me I all but reach the point where I almost pass out.

Those same blue eyes I'm obsessed with, that sexy smirk that always makes me swoon, those pink plump lips I always dreamed kissing of and the same Damon McCartney is inches away from my face where I can almost feel his hot minty breath on my nose.

Geez Louise!!

I blink and my breathing quickens.
"You?--the flowers?--oh god Van---" I start blurting out my brain refusing to form any cohrent sentence since he's so close but he cuts me off by bending down to pick all the flowers and grabs my hand when he's got all of them in his other one.

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